
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Over which.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb archaic Over what.
  • conjunction archaic Over what.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

where- +‎ over


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  • One is apt to lose patience with the good earth, and to hanker after a sight of those multitudinous fires whereover it is, after all, but a thin and comparatively recent crust.

    Yet Again Max Beerbohm 1914

  • And on his mighty head he set a wrought helmet of horse-hair crest, whereover the plume nodded terribly, and he took him a strong spear fitted to his grasp.

    The Iliad 750? BC-650? BC Homer 1882

  • There then they abode, and in the stillness of the night heard a thundering sound coming down the wind to them, which they deemed was the roaring of distant waters; and when they went to the lip of the river they saw flocks of foam floating by, wherefore they thought themselves to be near some great mountain-neck whereover the water was falling from some high place.

    The Well at the World's End: a tale William Morris 1865

  • An agglutination of shells, once peopled with life; a crystallized lump of segregate minerals, once in a molten state; a mass of carbonated foliage and trunks of tropical trees, buried by long changes under the soil, whereover they had once waved greenly luxuriant; these, and no other, should have been man's stone and coal.

    The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper Martin Farquhar Tupper 1849

  • An agglutination of shells, once peopled with life; a crystallized lump of segregate minerals, once in a molten state; a mass of carbonated foliage and trunks of tropical trees, buried by long changes under the soil, whereover they had once waved greenly luxuriant; these, and no other, should have been man's stone and coal.

    Probabilities : An aid to Faith Martin Farquhar Tupper 1849

  • So it came to pass that the people of the whole of that kingdom whereover his father King Tryggvi had ruled aforetime, and likewise that which his kinsman Harald the

    The Sagas of Olaf Tryggvason and of Harald The Tyrant (Harald Haardraade) 1179-1241 Snorri Sturluson 1210


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