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  • When a company is tanking and both woker and management are losing their jobs, the unions don't lay off anyone.

    Democracy and the secret ballot. Ann Althouse 2008

  • Ms. Napolitano's policies resulted in that the 4 kids in my care had no legal representation, the judge is a former AZ assiastant AG, and the Director of DES is a former AG woker.

    Laura Knaperek: Liiiiiiiaaar Kiva Oraibi 2005

  • Obama's Chinese Tire tariff decision (combatting illegal dumping of Chinese subsidized tires) was the first in what should be many steps towards parity. on 11/22/2009, -2/+18It's difficult to compete with a country that pays the average woker an average monthly income of 70% of business workers in Mainland China is between 800 yuan (US $97) to 2,500 yuan (US $302).

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2009

  • Besides, the average assembly line woker is probably smart enough to know GM should be making fuel efficient cars and as owners, maybe they could have some say in the direction the company takes.

    Cafferty File 2008

  • You can’t just hand-wave and point at Walmart and say, “Well, it’s obvious they benefit more from or differntly from the average woker from the roads”—so what if it’s different or more?

    Three notes for the critics of the critics of apologists for Wal-Mart 2009


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