
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Without a writer.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

writer +‎ -less


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  • For a writerless awards ceremony, the show felt surprisingly brisk and well-paced.

    They Tried to Make Me Hate the Grammys… 2008

  • It ` s a huge advantage over Jay Leno, Conan O ` Brien, and Jimmy Kimmel, who will be left writerless.

    CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2008 2008

  • To fill the void of scripted dramas and sitcoms, networks have turned more and more to reruns or writerless replacement shows, but viewers are beginning to feel the pain.

    The Spark of Yahoo! 2010

  • To fill the void of scripted dramas and sitcoms, networks have turned more and more to reruns or writerless replacement shows, but viewers are beginning to feel the pain.

    The Spark of Yahoo! 2010

  • Here’s Salon on the state of these now-writerless shows.

    It’s Friday, I’m in Links « Gerry Canavan 2008


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