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  • Make a short list of green-light “go” foods such as vegetables, fruit, and nonfried fish; red-light “stop” foods such as soda; and yellow-light “treat” foods such as 100 percent whole-grain, 100 percent omega-3 chia muffins or Lifestyle 180 Bars.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Make a short list of green-light “go” foods such as vegetables, fruit, and nonfried fish; red-light “stop” foods such as soda; and yellow-light “treat” foods such as 100 percent whole-grain, 100 percent omega-3 chia muffins or Lifestyle 180 Bars.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Make a short list of green-light “go” foods such as vegetables, fruit, and nonfried fish; red-light “stop” foods such as soda; and yellow-light “treat” foods such as 100 percent whole-grain, 100 percent omega-3 chia muffins or Lifestyle 180 Bars.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Make a short list of green-light “go” foods such as vegetables, fruit, and nonfried fish; red-light “stop” foods such as soda; and yellow-light “treat” foods such as 100 percent whole-grain, 100 percent omega-3 chia muffins or Lifestyle 180 Bars.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • For young kids, make a short list of green-light “yes” foods (such as vegetables, fruit, nonfried fish), red-light “no” foods (such as soda), and yellow-light “treat” foods (the 100 percent whole grain, 100 percent omega-3 chia muffin or Lifestyle 180 Bar after dinner).

    You: On a Diet Michael F. Roizen 2009

  • For young kids, make a short list of green-light “yes” foods (such as vegetables, fruit, nonfried fish), red-light “no” foods (such as soda), and yellow-light “treat” foods (the 100 percent whole grain, 100 percent omega-3 chia muffin or Lifestyle 180 Bar after dinner).

    You: On a Diet Michael F. Roizen 2009

  • For young kids, make a short list of green-light “yes” foods (such as vegetables, fruit, nonfried fish), red-light “no” foods (such as soda), and yellow-light “treat” foods (the 100 percent whole grain, 100 percent omega-3 chia muffin or Lifestyle 180 Bar after dinner).

    You: On a Diet Michael F. Roizen 2009

  • The problem is that people are used to a certain yellow-light interval.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » United States v. Alderman and Felon Possession of Body Armor: 2009

  • The problem is that people are used to a certain yellow-light interval.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » United States v. Alderman and Felon Possession of Body Armor: 2009

  • It may be that other methods of discouraging red-light-running (longer yellow-light times, larger diameter red lights) would work as well as cameras at decreasing this dangerous behavior.

    IsThatLegal? 2004


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