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  • Roman Temple, situated on the eastern edge of the Plain of Sharon, near the line of hills, between the two villages Awali and M'zeera'a.

    Byeways in Palestine James Finn

  • We were conducted due south, yet so far away from the line of hills that we missed the Roman temple of _M'zeera'a_, which I do not know that, to this day, any European but myself has seen.

    Byeways in Palestine James Finn

  • The food ws cooked by the Khansama on the terrace, chicken korma and zeera rice pulav, kababs and nan, including a sweet dish made out of bread called Shahi Tukda dipped in hot milk.

    2008 February 05 « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1 2008

  • The food ws cooked by the Khansama on the terrace, chicken korma and zeera rice pulav, kababs and nan, including a sweet dish made out of bread called Shahi Tukda dipped in hot milk.

    The Shakir House Majlis 2008 « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1 2008

  • COOPER: Well, if you think al-J.zeera English stirs up emotions, remember the O.J. Simpson trial?

    CNN Transcript Nov 15, 2006 2006

  • The secretary did not name specific media organizations, but State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said he has complained to the Qatar-based Al J.zeera TV network and CNN.

    The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines 2010

  • Darren wolfed it down but not without testing the side dishes of aloo zeera (£3.95) - spiced potato and a generous helping of sauce - and bindi bhajee (£3.95), tender slices of fresh spiced okra.

    getreading - Reading Post - RSS feed 2010

  • The secretary did not name specific media organizations, but State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said he has complained to the Qatar-based Al J.zeera TV network and CNN.

    The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines 2010

  • Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh are India†™ s biggest spice states, producing zeera or cumin seeds and dhania or coriander seeds.

    The Times of India 2009

  • ; The Hunt for Bin Laden; Al-J.zeera English; Anchoring al-J.zeera English; The Prosecution doesn't Rest; O.J. Controversy; Happy Genes?

    CNN Transcript Nov 15, 2006 2006


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