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  • I longed so to have sung the words I had to utter for your ears -- to your ears only: ` Amo il zeffiro, perche ad esso il tuo nome confido. '

    A Siren Thomas Adolphus Trollope 1851

  • "Amo il zeffiro, perche a lui suo nome confido," she sang, as she turned listlessly to go to her chamber; and despite what she had said -- and said with perfect sincerity to her adopted father -- it may be feared that the suo did not refer in the singer's mind to the

    A Siren Thomas Adolphus Trollope 1851

  • His early "Son geloso del zeffiro errante" is as effortless as the zephyrs he claimed to envy for their proximity to Amina. 2009

  • Dal german nel periglio [1: 18] 2 Un zeffiro spirò [5: 34] 3 Con opra giusta [0: 16] 4 Quanto più fiera tempesta freme [3: 26] 5 O falso è Bertarido [1: 16] 6 Tra sospetti, affetti e timori [4: 18] 7 Chi di voi fu più infedele [2: 53] 8 Ma non so che dal remoto balcon - Non temere.

    AvaxHome RSS: pro tempore 2010


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