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  • _eau de jasmin de pourri, de cedre, de girofle, sans pareille, de mille fleurs, de zephir, de oiellet, de sultan_ and a hundred other sorts; but the _essence of bergamot_ is above all, as a single drop is sufficient to perfume a handkerchief; and so it ought to be, for it is very dear.

    A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, 1777 Volume 1 (of 2) Philip Thicknesse 1755

  • But as for riding a horse perfectly on his haunches through a long day’s journey, or in rough or deep ground, or across country, one might as well require infantry to make long forced marches at ordinary time, and to strictly preserve their touch and dressing; or, still to compare it to opera-dancing, Coulon to go through a day’s shooting with the pas de zephir.

    Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece or, Common Sense and Common Errors in Common Riding George Greenwood 1837


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