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  • About this series of images from a WWII era Jujitsu manual, Warren Ellis says, American reader Eric Palicki sent me a zipfile of scans he made, and the note: 'I found this in a stack of my dad’s old books.

    Boing Boing: April 17, 2005 - April 23, 2005 Archives 2005

  • This zipfile includes demonstrations, complete instructions, and a small course entitled "The Twenty-One Greatest Ideas In Human Relationships," written by Rev. Bill McGinnis, the Study Hall author.

    Free Course-Authoring Software Seeks Wide Acceptance Among Teachers And Students 2006

  • The most preferred way of creating such kind of archives would be using the zipfile or tarfile module respectively.

    A Byte of Python Swaroop, C. H. 2003

  • Just copy the epgp_lootmaster and epgp_lootmaster_ml directories from the zipfile to your addons directory or use the Curse Installer.

    Softpedia - Windows - All 2010

  • To setup your own reminder on the taskbar, you'll need to start by downloading and extracting this zipfile, which already contains the script, two icons, and an empty folder called Taskbar, and then save the folder somewhere safe-like your Dropbox folder, which gives you the added benefit of syncing your One Goal across all your PCs.

    Lifehacker 2010

  • Use python's zipfile library to avoid exploding the zip (that's lame)

    Planet Python 2010

  • Use PyQt's QtWebKit to display said collection of XML/CSS/Images this recipe to make QtWebKit tell you when it wants something from the zipfile.

    Planet Python 2010

  • I did not expect anyone to detect from these things that the framework was an April's fool joke, but I thought that the obfuscated sourcecode and the fact that it was basically just a zipfile would be obvious.

    Planet Python 2010

  • I transfer the domain and send you the site as a zipfile.

    Digital Point Forums schartog 2010

  • To manually install the codec, download the zipfile version, extract the contents to a folder, right click the camcodec. inf file and select Install.

    Netvouz - new bookmarks rhariharasudhan 2010


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