A list of 9 words by marco_nj.
- skadeedahtwas added by marco_nj and appears on just this list
- duhdoodopwas added by marco_nj and appears on just this list
- gahdugatwas added by marco_nj and appears on just this list
- badumchawas added by marco_nj and appears on just this list
- bizzzhakawas added by marco_nj and appears on just this list
- bahtubahtwas added by marco_nj and appears on just this list
- bideedoodopwas added by marco_nj and appears on just this list
- jiggeddybahwas added by marco_nj and appears on 2 lists
- skiddleebopwas added by marco_nj and appears on just this list
whichbe commented on the list jazz-onomatopoeia
These types of words make me irrationally happy.
January 23, 2009