A list of 22 words by alguien.
- literallywas added by alguien and appears on 49 lists
- loquaciouswas added by alguien and appears on 531 lists
- defenestratewas added by alguien and appears on 309 lists
- defenestrationwas added by alguien and appears on 272 lists
- kudoswas added by alguien and appears on 56 lists
- eclecticwas added by alguien and appears on 231 lists
- tour de forcewas added by alguien and appears on 10 lists
- dilemmawas added by alguien and appears on 55 lists
- verbatimwas added by alguien and appears on 80 lists
- lackadaisicalwas added by alguien and appears on 275 lists
- perseverencewas added by alguien and appears on 2 lists
- sesquipedalianwas added by alguien and appears on 361 lists
- intrinsicwas added by alguien and appears on 131 lists
- ubiquitouswas added by alguien and appears on 416 lists
- facetiouswas added by alguien and appears on 369 lists
- plethorawas added by alguien and appears on 417 lists
- tantamountwas added by alguien and appears on 159 lists
- epiphanywas added by alguien and appears on 273 lists
- antidisestablishmentarianismwas added by alguien and appears on 148 lists
- catch-22was added by alguien and appears on 14 lists
- reminiscentwas added by alguien and appears on 49 lists
- schadenfreudewas added by alguien and appears on 600 lists
chained_bear commented on the list overrated-words
I am totally down with including schadenfreude on this list. Eesh.
February 16, 2007
uselessness commented on the list overrated-words
How about plethora? Likewise, eesh.
February 16, 2007
reesetee commented on the list overrated-words
I second plethora *and* schadenfreude. How about sesquipedalian?
February 16, 2007
juv3nal commented on the list overrated-words
tantamount, intrinsic, facetious, & ubiquitous should be on that list if the people I went to school with are a good basis by which to judge.
February 17, 2007
alguien commented on the list overrated-words
I was just thinking of adding plethora, tantamount, facetious, and ubiquitous to this list before reading these comments! Definitely overused, and not just in speech. It seems that I cannot read the newspaper anymore without having to endure "such-and-such is tantamount to..." followed by some hyperbolic statement.
February 17, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list overrated-words
Yeah! Those bastards.
February 17, 2007
seanahan commented on the list overrated-words
I'm going to have to veto catch-22. It is a very existential concept.
February 17, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list overrated-words
eclectic, and deus ex machina are a couple of mine.
February 17, 2007
alguien commented on the list overrated-words
Odd. I rarely see or hear deus ex machina.
February 19, 2007