Hello everyone. By "feminine rhyme", I mean a rhyme on the last two syllables, so no syrinx, lynx, winks, etc.
Sionnach - those are good if you pronounce 'larynx' with a long 'a', as many people do I suppose. I pronounce it with a short 'a' though, like in 'cat', so they won't do for me. Close though.
skipvia commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
Somehow I think this list isn't going to grow all that much.
October 24, 2007
sionnach commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
Jar Jar Binks
October 24, 2007
sionnach commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
coal tar inks?
far sphinx?
car jinx?
October 24, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
October 24, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
What does 'feminine rhymes' mean?
Does it mean you won't add lynx either?
October 24, 2007
sarra commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
without stopping to look it up, I think it's a rhyme on an unstressed syllable (in this case "ynx").
October 24, 2007
yarb commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
Hello everyone. By "feminine rhyme", I mean a rhyme on the last two syllables, so no syrinx, lynx, winks, etc.
Sionnach - those are good if you pronounce 'larynx' with a long 'a', as many people do I suppose. I pronounce it with a short 'a' though, like in 'cat', so they won't do for me. Close though.
October 24, 2007
uselessness commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
Um... air inks? fair angst? ;-)
October 24, 2007
bilby commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
vot? you ef nefer eard off ball-barinks?
November 20, 2007
yarb commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
Good one, bilby.
November 22, 2007
rolig commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
fair rinks?
spare inks?
with a Slavic accent: pairings, bearings, etc.
December 5, 2007
sarra commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
here's why there's nothing even close to it in English English, apart from pharynx: http://forvo.com/word/larynx
August 18, 2009
bilby commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
I like yours the best, sar!
August 18, 2009
yarb commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
That's great, sarra. Would you care to offer a German-accented forvo pronunciation of "ball bearings"?
August 18, 2009
sarra commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
Not allowed!
August 18, 2009
sofrohna commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
looove it
February 19, 2010
humongoloid commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
rare minx?
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
wry jinks
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
rare drinks
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
pare shrinks
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
sly winks
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
mare jinks
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
bear finks
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
February 27, 2010
yarb commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
Yoinks?! I said "rhyme", not "sound vaguely similar if you think about it"!
Thanks, my dear humongoloid and fbharjo, but no thanks!
February 27, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
syrinx, myrinx
February 28, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
February 28, 2010
fbharjo commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
March 4, 2010
yarb commented on the list words-that-rhyme-with-larynx
March 4, 2010