"The noisy revels of bacchanalians in the Inner Sanctuary could not be more unwelcome sounds to devout worshipers than was my peal of the party toscin in the ears of those who glorified the 'Era of Good Feeling.'"
--- Martin Van Buren, on political parties, as quoted by James Ceaser in Presidential Selection
Any of various theories that justify moral principles or political arrangements by appealing to a social contract that is voluntarily committed to under ideal conditions for such commitment.
Comments by _dearheart
_dearheart commented on the word bacchanalian
"The noisy revels of bacchanalians in the Inner Sanctuary could not be more unwelcome sounds to devout worshipers than was my peal of the party toscin in the ears of those who glorified the 'Era of Good Feeling.'"
--- Martin Van Buren, on political parties, as quoted by James Ceaser in Presidential Selection
May 28, 2008
_dearheart commented on the word contractarianism
Any of various theories that justify moral principles or political arrangements by appealing to a social contract that is voluntarily committed to under ideal conditions for such commitment.
Also called contractualism.
May 27, 2008