bobstep commented on the word intertwingled
"Everything is deeply intertwingled" was Ted Nelson's sentence in "Computer Lib" 1974
August 1, 2009
"intertwingled" probably was coined by Ted Nelson in his book Computer Lib to describe the state of connectedness computers and hypertext (or the universe) might achieve: "Everything is deeply intertwingled."
Comments by bobstep
bobstep commented on the word intertwingled
"Everything is deeply intertwingled" was Ted Nelson's sentence in "Computer Lib" 1974
August 1, 2009
bobstep commented on the word intertwingled
"intertwingled" probably was coined by Ted Nelson in his book Computer Lib to describe the state of connectedness computers and hypertext (or the universe) might achieve: "Everything is deeply intertwingled."
August 1, 2009