Comments by centurydictionaryfan

  • On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

    February 14, 2011

  • "Quincuncial map-projection, an orthomorphic projection of the earth into repeating squares, invented by C. S. Peirce in 1876."

    --just a sliver from the Century Dictionary definition

    February 9, 2011

  • *favorited*

    February 9, 2011

  • Ooh. Maybe I should be "centurydictionaryphaneron."

    February 9, 2011

  • People here are so friendly! Thank you kindly, stranger.

    February 9, 2011

  • Thank you ever so much, ruzuzu. I think we'll be great pals.

    February 8, 2011

  • Thank you, Prolagus. I can sometimes be found in the 400's if you're using the Dewey decimal system.

    February 8, 2011

  • Thanks, ruzuzu. Would it be all right if I used some of the entries from your lists while I'm putting together "Century Dictionary Fan's Word of the Day?"

    February 8, 2011

  • Why hello there, random friendly person from █████. How do you do?


    February 8, 2011

  • Completely reassuring. Thanks, john.


    They'll never guess my secret identity

    February 8, 2011