h3h commented on the list terms-i-like
All words added for their glyphs, appearance or pronunciation; almost never for their meanings.
December 16, 2014
h3h commented on the word veep
Terrible word. Stab yourself every time you use it.
October 2, 2008
h3h commented on the word nakation
There's nothing quite as relaxing as a nakation with good weather.
August 27, 2008
h3h commented on the word hurd
Maybe not a true word, but even as a product name this word is terrible. It makes me think of "hurl" + "curd" = vomiting cottage cheese. (Now you know how much I dislike this word.)
January 15, 2007
Comments by h3h
h3h commented on the list terms-i-like
All words added for their glyphs, appearance or pronunciation; almost never for their meanings.
December 16, 2014
h3h commented on the word veep
Terrible word. Stab yourself every time you use it.
October 2, 2008
h3h commented on the word nakation
There's nothing quite as relaxing as a nakation with good weather.
August 27, 2008
h3h commented on the word hurd
Maybe not a true word, but even as a product name this word is terrible. It makes me think of "hurl" + "curd" = vomiting cottage cheese. (Now you know how much I dislike this word.)
January 15, 2007