bookkeeper: the only word in the English language with three pairs of double letters one right after the other. At least, that's what I learned from an Encyclopedia Brown book when I was little.
your words are all like going camping and waking up to make oatmeal in a tin pot. and then you eat the oatmeal out of the pot, because it's camping, so why the hell would you bring a bowl along when you got a tin pot?
also I like your free associating. Rogue Ale. Tender Buttons. Faggy Bagel. that sort of thing.
Comments by socktopus
socktopus commented on the word pharmacist
(n): a skinny dude playing rock and roll
February 17, 2008
socktopus commented on the word marmoleum
But it's far more fun to think of it as a linoleum made from marmots.
February 16, 2008
socktopus commented on the list ted-made-me-know-this
heehee, I got apostasy from him.
June 15, 2007
socktopus commented on the list double-your-fun
bookkeeper: the only word in the English language with three pairs of double letters one right after the other. At least, that's what I learned from an Encyclopedia Brown book when I was little.
April 24, 2007
socktopus commented on the list bearfax-december-2006
your words are all like going camping and waking up to make oatmeal in a tin pot. and then you eat the oatmeal out of the pot, because it's camping, so why the hell would you bring a bowl along when you got a tin pot?
also I like your free associating. Rogue Ale. Tender Buttons. Faggy Bagel. that sort of thing.
December 5, 2006
socktopus commented on the word ticker
I hate it in reference to people's hearts. tickertape is ok.
December 4, 2006
socktopus commented on the user robotjohnny
(it's in Michigan)
November 30, 2006
socktopus commented on the user angharad
mine, work, document, read, box, fly, smell, pants.
November 30, 2006