thomas_hinkle commented on the word hit
"hit" has a relatively recent use meaning "to have sex with" (see I came here hoping to see some clue as to how recent that word is.
June 27, 2009
thomas_hinkle commented on the word tap
"Tap" has a sexual use among my students, typically with "that" referring to a person, as in "I'd tap that" or "I tapped that".
thomas_hinkle commented on the word quidditch
Quidditch is the equivalent of soccer in the Harry Potter fantasy series. The players fly on broom sticks.
Comments by thomas_hinkle
thomas_hinkle commented on the word hit
"hit" has a relatively recent use meaning "to have sex with" (see I came here hoping to see some clue as to how recent that word is.
June 27, 2009
thomas_hinkle commented on the word tap
"Tap" has a sexual use among my students, typically with "that" referring to a person, as in "I'd tap that" or "I tapped that".
June 27, 2009
thomas_hinkle commented on the word quidditch
Quidditch is the equivalent of soccer in the Harry Potter fantasy series. The players fly on broom sticks.
June 27, 2009