Comments by whichbe

Show previous 200 comments...

  • Socializing mania.

    May 16, 2009

  • A word best followed with a dramatic pause.

    May 16, 2009

  • I am experiencing all of you experiencing me experiencing all of you.

    May 14, 2009

  • I heard that at a certain age people start to shrink.

    May 14, 2009

  • Putting the suck in success.

    May 14, 2009

  • I regret taking candy from that baby.

    May 14, 2009

  • I admire anyone who has destroyed their television for their good sense.

    May 14, 2009

  • The resistance that parents reflexively express when their parenting styles or skills are criticized.

    May 14, 2009

  • Don't you think the word interesting is just so interesting?

    May 14, 2009

  • Featured in the novel Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

    May 14, 2009

  • Perhaps this list might also be of use to you...

    May 13, 2009

  • I like your username. What is it?

    May 12, 2009

  • Dear God

    May 12, 2009

  • Holy crap

    May 12, 2009

  • A journalistic form of puffery; an article or story of exaggerating praise that often ignores or downplays opposing viewpoints or evidence to the contrary. (Wiktionary)

    May 11, 2009

  • Fake news, sensational; a substanceless puff piece.

    May 11, 2009

  • (Southern phrase) Poorly dressed.

    May 11, 2009

  • autodidact?

    May 5, 2009

  • I don't know if this is just true from my browser (Firefox ver 2.0), but if I come at the homepage without having logged in, NO CONTENT comes up. Blank page. Once I've logged in, stuff is there. Other pages work, but not the homepage. Is this intentional??

    May 5, 2009

  • Good idea. I'd imagine set belongs here. You might find a few more pickings on this list.

    May 3, 2009

  • I implore you to make more use of the ipood tags.

    May 3, 2009

  • May 2, 2009

  • In a month I'll be moving north to Olympia, Washington. I'm pretty excited!

    May 1, 2009

  • Good ones! I'm making this an open list.

    April 27, 2009

  • The anti-placebo effect

    April 24, 2009

  • Keeping the ALINCARMAN dream alive!

    April 23, 2009

  • Demon Denim by George F Will

    April 23, 2009

  • "Once the child places it on his or her head and swings the snorkel down from its resting place atop the head, PediSedate transparently monitors respiratory function and distributes nitrous oxide, an anesthetic gas. The child comfortably becomes sedated while playing with a Nintendo Game Boy system or listening to music." -- PediSedate

    April 23, 2009

  • Lovely quote, seanahan. Perhaps to have no dreams is the true sleep.

    April 23, 2009

  • Brilliant idea by The Onion

    April 23, 2009

  • "Oopsie! I made a bastake!"

    April 21, 2009

  • Now an open list.

    April 20, 2009

  • Now an open list.

    April 20, 2009

  • Now an open list.

    April 20, 2009

  • Now an open list.

    April 20, 2009

  • Now an open list.

    April 20, 2009

  • This is a cute list.

    April 20, 2009

  • This is two words.

    April 20, 2009

  • "Lookit!@ Dat shiny hasa fufflection!"

    April 20, 2009

  • It happened at a previous time.

    April 20, 2009

  • I'll leave this for someone else to add:

    April 19, 2009

  • What's a zibble?

    April 14, 2009

  • I want this to be the German version of The View.

    April 14, 2009

  • Just plode.

    April 11, 2009

  • A form of camping that includes expensive equipment, fine food, and other luxuries; blend of glamor and camping. (From WordSpy)

    April 1, 2009

  • March 14, 2009

  • Do Blacks and Whites Hear Obama Differently?

    March 4, 2009

  • Hola if ya hear me.

    February 28, 2009

  • Worse than "I don't know" fo' sho'.

    February 28, 2009

  • I am currently lost in the world of authoring a book and listening to Chiptunes non-stop, but I miss Wordie and will return.

    February 24, 2009

  • Words on this newspeak tag can be added.

    February 18, 2009

  • Chris Rock term for patriotism gone ugly.

    February 16, 2009

  • Isn't this rotacism?

    February 16, 2009

  • I would also like to state for the record that Surreal was described by the witness as "non-linear" but when evidence was then presented it was, in fact, a direct response--rather linear considering the context of "non-linear" proofing. I think if Surreal had something like hot dog it would be more non-linear.

    Unless, of course, you thought we would anticipate a non-linear answer; therefore a linear answer might indeed be the perfect decoy of non-linear.

    February 13, 2009

  • I want this to be what fence-sitters do.

    February 12, 2009

  • db


    February 12, 2009

  • Kostya, to fully understand the meaning of that, could you retype it with clearer punctuation?

    February 12, 2009

  • Supplement in French.

    February 10, 2009

  • More commonly referenced as arche-writing.

    February 10, 2009

  • Often spelled mésalliance.

    January 31, 2009

  • Facebook Linguistics

    January 31, 2009

  • Facebook Linguistics

    January 31, 2009

  • I also like neologisms, psychology, and long walks on the beach.

    January 31, 2009

  • Please define.

    January 30, 2009

  • I think we should just go back to Generation W and count backwards.

    That is unless someone is actually counting. So, then, how long is a generation? If a generation is 25 years, and we're currently at Generation Z in the year 2000, then Generation A would be 650 years ago. So, then, Generation A would be dated at 1450. Maybe this is dated on Columbus (1492)! And, of course, it must because Generation Z because these are the End Times, ya know!

    January 30, 2009

  • Using the everyone superlative in this sense is a set-up. If any of us argue and say that we "aren't uptight," by arguing we still demonstrate that we are. Therefore, to *not* argue is an argument, but paradoxically it is also tacit acceptance. Likewise, your uptightness regarding "all of our" (since I obviously speak for every user on this site) uptightness is also an act of uptightness and therefore VanishedOne is your mirror, mechanolatry, that which responds to that which is done. Also: fart.

    January 30, 2009

  • TwitteRRR AngST#@#

    January 29, 2009

  • Somebody.

    January 29, 2009

  • Explain this one.

    January 29, 2009

  • A lister of fine words.

    January 29, 2009

  • (b)icicle, (b)icicle... where are you going?

    January 29, 2009

  • I am a big fan of flarf.

    January 29, 2009

  • Zero is both a thing and a lack of a thing.

    January 28, 2009

  • Can this be cured with a cootie shot?

    January 28, 2009

  • EVEA!!!!!!!

    January 28, 2009

  • Get one here!

    January 24, 2009

  • When Cap'n Crunch meets McGruff.

    January 23, 2009

  • When you break wind while standing in front of someone.

    January 23, 2009

  • These types of words make me irrationally happy.

    January 23, 2009

  • Actually this refers to wiccan sushi.

    January 22, 2009

  • It may be unnecessary, but it might be a good idea to have some moderators/assistants to help admin the site. As witnessed today (right now), there are idiots that come along occassionally that can be dealt with by folks other than John. Also, someone like VanishedOne would do well to have tag-edit powers to keep things clean. Just a thought. Setting clear guidelines for operation will help avoid power-tripping.

    January 22, 2009

  • I luv mah gubbeenment cheez.

    January 22, 2009

  • Executive, legislative, and judicial.

    January 21, 2009

  • He continued: "We never shruck--"

    "Shirked!" someone yelled.

    "Shirked," Bush corrected, smiling. "You might have shirked; I shrucked. I mean we took the deals head on."


    January 21, 2009

  • Damn, I wish I had the money to try all of these. Or even half of these.

    January 21, 2009

  • Sounds like: entrusting

    January 19, 2009

  • Is this spelled extrapyramidal?

    January 19, 2009

  • A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field (NASA)

    January 19, 2009

  • A bathroom music player.

    January 17, 2009

  • The practice of spreading false or misleading information about a company to take advantage of the subsequent move in the company's stock price. Also: rumortrage. (Blend of rumour and arbitrage.) (From WordSpy)

    January 17, 2009

  • Bingeing on alcohol at home before going out for the evening, particularly to a place where alcohol is expensive or not available. Also: pregaming. (From WordSpy)

    January 17, 2009

  • I'm offended by my own thankfulness of silence.

    January 17, 2009

  • No, it's all MINE.

    January 17, 2009

  • I'm offended by my offendedness and my lack of offendedness, all of your individual offendednesses and lack of offendednesses, and also all of your collective offendednesses and the lack of offendednesses.

    January 16, 2009

  • I agree with yarb on this one. One of the phrases I would love to bury, though it never will, is "our commander in chief".

    January 16, 2009

  • Ref. on fanboy.

    January 16, 2009

  • Fish.

    January 15, 2009

  • You're a entredentolignumologist. Admit it.

    January 15, 2009

  • I love freedom. Freedom from spangles.

    January 15, 2009

  • Former police interrogator, famous for his many declarations about how to unwaveringly obey orders.

    January 14, 2009

  • Internationally reknowned, nihilist chef and cookbook-author of such works as Slaughterpalette Fave and Breakfaster of Champeons.

    January 14, 2009

  • The title of this list has me expecting crazy onomatopoeia sounds, like brrrrrrrrmmm.

    January 14, 2009

  • The elephant of war marches towards battle.

    January 14, 2009

  • I love my unicorn, he knows I am true,

    My troubles go poof, my unicorn named Boo.

    - Mariah Carey, The Unicorn

    January 14, 2009

  • This word strikes me as totally absurd.

    January 13, 2009

  • A spirit duplicator.

    January 13, 2009

  • To remove that which pleases. A friend of mine accidentally used this word (instead of displease last night, it made me laugh (you could say it pleased me).

    January 13, 2009

  • This word sounds like the bad-end of an insurance deal.

    January 13, 2009

  • Africa is Huge

    January 13, 2009

  • A twitter user.

    January 13, 2009

  • If I had a yurt I would surely eat more yogurt.

    January 10, 2009

  • VanishedOne--what do you recommend for this one?

    January 10, 2009

  • Not a collector of freak flags, but a freak who collects flags.

    January 10, 2009

  • Statute of Liberty? Liberty Bell?

    January 10, 2009

  • I'm just here for dictation and not your summer vacation.

    January 10, 2009

  • "Primeval man could walk upright as men now do, backwards or forwards as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast…Terrible was their might and strength, and the thoughts of their hearts were great, and they made an attack upon the gods... Doubt reigned in the celestial councils. Should they kill them and annihilate the race with thunderbolts, as they had done the giants, then there would be an end of the sacrifices and worship which men offered to them; but, on the other hand, the gods could not suffer their insolence to be unrestrained. At last, after a good deal of reflection, Zeus discovered a way. He said: 'Methinks I have a plan which will humble their pride and improve their manners; men shall continue to exist, but I will cut them in two and then they will be diminished in strength and increased in numbers; this will have the advantage of making them more profitable to us. They shall walk upright on two legs, and if they continue insolent and will not be quiet, I will split them again and they shall hop about on a single leg.'"

    — Aristophanes, Plato’s Symposium

    January 10, 2009

  • Judo Less Sir.

    January 10, 2009

  • Correct spelling is oppressive, huh? Waka waka!

    January 10, 2009

  • This would also be a good place to mock dumb or goofy phrases that slip out.

    January 10, 2009

  • WordSpy

    January 10, 2009

  • I think you should separate the silents by letter and list, not just tags, even though it will get a little cumbersome. It would be a pretty cool resource to have on Wordie, a comprehensive "silent letters" collection. Perhaps a little daunting of a task. If you want help, I'll volunteer...

    January 10, 2009

  • Aw, thanks. This is what I'd recommend: through 2009 we anticipatorily tag words with woty09. Then we'll have a more comprehensive, less last-minute list of nominees to draw from next year and we could even do a narrowing-down process. Gangerh I implore you to host next years awards.

    January 10, 2009

  • What the hell? I've gotten this phrase 4 times today on random. Is someone trying to tell me something?

    January 9, 2009

  • beau monde

    January 9, 2009

  • Hi Feuerlibelle, welcome to Wordie. Prejoice is a cute word, but you don't have to list the definition with the word itself. That's where the "citation" text box for the word comes in handy. This is a fun site, hope you enjoy...

    January 9, 2009

  • A euphemism for noserag.

    January 9, 2009

  • The belief that flowers have feelings.

    January 9, 2009

  • Misspelling of occultation.

    January 9, 2009

  • One of my most favorite books of all time.

    suprasubliminal -- you may want to pilfer from this list too.

    January 9, 2009

  • You got props for multislacking on Wordie Word of the Year 2008.

    January 9, 2009

  • Oozin' fo' a broozin'.

    January 9, 2009

  • One of the Tagbusters.

    January 9, 2009

  • Put 25 cents into the jar for each listen of Head Like a Hole.

    January 9, 2009

  • Now that you've had 2 years to think it over, do you still think this would be a foolproof way to break an awkward pause in a conversation?

    January 9, 2009

  • thickhead

    January 9, 2009

  • What does this mean?

    January 9, 2009

  • Imbibed with levitation.

    January 9, 2009

  • Don't you think it's about time for another update to Errata? The last one was nearly 3 months ago!

    January 9, 2009

  • Hah, *slightly embarassed*.

    January 9, 2009

  • This was the training cells for the Great Quiet Riots of 2018.

    January 9, 2009

  • Also called just drug tourism.

    January 9, 2009

  • *TRUMPETS!@*

    It’s time to announce the WINNERS of the 2008 Wordie Awards. This years voting panel consisted of merely 17 participants, so the results might have become unfairly weighted by "the regulars"--I will leave it to others to deem that appropriate or not. Let’s get right to it.

    First up, the Ominous and Friendly Wordie Mascot™, a list compiled by the prestigious Prolagus.

    We in fact only had 5 people vote on this particular category. One vote was cast for: cheesemite, skunk ape, ambulatory watermelon, squiddy, weirdpet, phantom limb. Two votes were cast for john mcgrath desktop buddy, and, our winner, with 3 votes...

    *** Our new Wordie Mascot is: charging baby tapirs! what are you doing here.

    Tag of the year, another pointedly unpopular voting topic. I've only recently explored tagging in the last few months myself, and have actually gone a little insane with it. Getting one tick o' the vote is special gift, not allowed, colon cancer, and freedomized. Managing to gleam the attention of two votes: ishkabilby, meta, quiet, and should be a swear. Special attention goes to █████ with 3 votes.

    *** Our winner of Tag of the Year 2008, with four nods of validation, maintaining a degree of self-aware irony is... overtagged!

    Sometimes we Wordies don't just methodically and obsessive-compulsively list words. Sometimes we load up our Phrasey Modules. For those phrases in the house (you know who you are!), this is for you.

    Attracting enough attention for a vote, we have: nicely disrespectful, favor cancelled, charging baby tapirs! (more???), turd deflectors, cape horn voice, padded face hole, with noses woefully unlicked by monkeys, tie me to the mall with a malt of third, and sleep like a crew of hedgepigs in an ivy-tuft.

    Now say that five times fast.

    Snatching up two votes are some inedibles: yes we have no bananas, and syrup of ipecac. Three votes have done visited marathon of phony umbrage taking and gluppit the prawling strangles. Four votes bare witness to bristol stool scale (wtf??).

    In these times you need to question your reality head-on with your phrases.

    *** With that said, it makes me pleased to announce our five-vote winner of Wordie Phrase of the Year 2008... why do you hate freedom. So, why do ya, punk?

    Some day aliens may stumble upon this site in some far distant post-apocalyptic feature and ask, "Is Wordie really about the words, or is about the lists?" To that I say: use instead. But Wordie, dear wordie, a wonderful tool for compiling words in a universal, digital, nonspace-space cyberdrome. For this, we honor some of your lists.

    Special enough to get listed (i.e. having just one vote), first up, we have: The Porn Birds by bilby, Words that shouldn't be used on a first date. by TaciturnYetProlix, The Measure of Man by reesetee, Hedgepiglet by yarb, Defunct professions by sionnach, Words and phrases that I would love to have on a Wordie T-shirt by Prolagus, Carol Wright Gifts by palooka, AND Nicknames you shouldn't give to an axe-wielding, loincloth-wearing barbarian warrior with bulging thews by pterodactyl.

    That would’ve been a mouth-full had I spoke and not typed it.

    Our lists that snagged two votes are: Oddball Opposites by reesetee, Eternal Questions by plethora, Dale counting sheep by sionnach, Squiddy by plethora, Things That Get Way More Fun When You Add a "G" to Them by chained_bear, My Little Phonies by whichbe, Wordie PRO! by Prolagus, AND Fictional music genres by yarb.

    Our last 3 lists have broken from the pack. With four votes, we have An Arsenal for Civil Defunse by chained_bear. And with 6 votes, we have the much-esteemed sweet tooth fairy by gangerh (recently cited by John as the most-favorited list on Wordie).

    *** Squeaking to victory with 7 votes, our Wordie List of the Year 2008 is... Change one letter by sionnach. Happy birthday!

    Our last category had a huge vote-spread... not surprising with over 50 nominees! Word of the Year 2008 has the honor of being burned into our collective brains like a rat-infused plague for longer than it may deserve. I Report, You Decide.

    Words getting one vote: clinchpoop, bovilexia, ataraxia,git, unvetted, preworry, bailout, blet, eyefeel, fernando poo, limn, zwartbles, aceituno, omphaleriomagnetism, schadenfreudgeon, and rhodorhinorangifericide.

    Scoring two votes: mono no aware, omgwtfbbq, cephalopygian.

    Three-votees: teh alsome, 7457 (wtf?), tappen (this was my initial prediction as the winner), and blatteroon (such a lovely word).

    A surprise second-place goes to muffineer, with 4 votes.

    *** The winner has 6 votes and is perhaps an embarrassingly honest declaration of Wordie's core itself, thus deserving of the glory that is, of course, the Wordie Word of the Year 2008.

    The winner is... multislacking!

    Thanks ya’ll, for making my 2008 Wordie adventures grand. Some follow-up notes to come in a bit.

    January 9, 2009

  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (reminder!)

    January 8, 2009

  • Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale

    January 8, 2009

  • I.P. Freely is lucky, I have to pay 5 cents every time. :(

    January 8, 2009

  • Atah Gibor Le-olam Adonai

    January 8, 2009

  • This one has been bothering me for a while, from At the top, "The last ____ tags added to Wordie"... this dropdown box defaults at 500. If you change the number, it ERRORS OUT. However, the error simply seems to be that no number gets listed at the end of the URL, because if you Manually enter a number at the end of the URL, an actual page is generated. Seems like an easy fix.

    January 8, 2009

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    January 8, 2009

  • Since you currently have 8 versions of "soxfan1302's list", you probably ought to delete them OR rename them. BTW: welcome to Wordie! You might want to scan the faq.

    January 8, 2009

  • Okay, what's a vigar? A stimulating cigar?

    January 8, 2009

  • Er, how could you have forgotten sing like a bird?

    January 8, 2009

  • Yes, welcome. I dig your lists. I was wondering when a full Nadsat list was going to appear on here.

    January 8, 2009

  • This must be when someone behaves as if they're in a gang.

    January 8, 2009

  • Are you still alive? Should we have a Wordie wake?

    January 8, 2009

  • Are you still alive? Should we have a Wordie wake?

    January 8, 2009

  • Are you still alive? Should we have a Wordie wake?

    January 8, 2009

  • Are you still alive? Should we have a Wordie wake?

    January 8, 2009

  • Well, today is the last day to vote! Results will be posted tomorrow. You need not be a long-standing Wordie user to vote for any of these--all that's required is having an opinion and an email account.

    You can vote for UP TO THREE nominees in any category.

    Check out the nominations list on the tag woty08.

    There's also Wordie List of The Year 2008,

    Phrase of the Year,

    and Tag of the Year.

    (and Prolagus says mascot too)

    January 8, 2009

  • "Obsessive-Compulsive Slightly Judgemental Tagging Syndrome"

    January 8, 2009

  • hooroo

    January 7, 2009

  • lol! uyew 4got poopitootshootitude!

    January 7, 2009

  • Point 'o skewitude indeed.

    January 7, 2009

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    January 7, 2009

  • Has anyone ever sported one of these?

    January 7, 2009

  • Don't worry, Prolagus, my appreciation can be purchased with a small contribution.

    January 7, 2009

  • See muomegical.

    January 7, 2009

  • dontcry: you can revote listing 3 if you'd like.

    January 7, 2009

  • I call these amputrees.

    January 7, 2009

  • French for urineuphoria.

    January 7, 2009

  • Two more days to vote!

    January 7, 2009

  • Doctor Who's band.

    January 7, 2009

  • I plugged some itudes into my itunes and all I got was this lousy t-group.

    January 7, 2009

  • I hate picking favorites, but you're my favorite Wordie user. I hope that's not too creepy.

    January 7, 2009

  • Yet another misspelling of onomatopoeia. Collect and trade them all!

    January 6, 2009

  • crumb

    January 6, 2009

  • easy-going?

    January 6, 2009

  • I use this one sarcastically sometimes.

    January 6, 2009

  • I'd prefer mine split, please.

    January 6, 2009

  • zomg!

    January 6, 2009

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word (or acronym)!

    January 6, 2009

  • More commonly said as crowdsourcing.

    January 6, 2009

  • needless to say

    January 6, 2009

  • It's true, this is still technically second-hand smoke, albeit the residue.

    I recently had to clean-up after someone who chain-smoked in their bedroom every night for well over a year. It was, needless to say, offensively pungent--the smell/residue was left on everything--the ceiling, the walls, the carpet, the windows. Even after a good carpet cleaner and wall-washing the smell is still present.

    January 6, 2009

  • Is this a misspelling of vigor?

    January 6, 2009

  • What does this mean, soxfan1302?

    January 6, 2009

  • Hello Pinkpop268. You might want to spend a minute getting familiar with Wordie, and maybe read the faq. We encourage contributions and citations on words, of course, but total redundancy is remarkably pointless. For example, on the word arachibutyrophobia you repeated virtually the same definition information posted by another user.

    Wordie is fun and I hope you stick to the roof of its mouth. I love strange words, too!

    January 6, 2009

  • A whole bunch of land.

    January 6, 2009

  • Robot workers.

    January 6, 2009

  • Relating to a corrupt, seedy, or criminal businessperson. (WordSpy)

    January 6, 2009

  • Also pink-collar.

    January 6, 2009

  • If they question you, you can say "just doin' business."

    January 6, 2009

  • I'm going to have to make a B.A.U. movement.

    January 6, 2009

  • It's very close so your vote can easily determine the winners.

    January 6, 2009

  • Bono can help us torture victims by not making music any more.

    January 6, 2009

  • A boring counterpart to Doctor Strange who resides on Htrae.

    January 3, 2009

  • Doctor How is the behaviorist sister of Doctor Who and Aunt to Doctor Why.

    January 3, 2009

  • A euphemism that Obama used in one of his debates with McCain to refer to premarital sex.

    January 3, 2009

  • How Marbles Are Made

    January 3, 2009

  • Son of Who. For better questions, he will refer you to Doctor How.

    January 3, 2009

  • An oddity about that infamous Bush quote, Dimélion, is that if you listen closely to the video he actually starts to say the correct word (are) but then interrupts himself to use is instead.

    January 3, 2009

  • John: on the "Active Comments - In the past 24 hours" page ( ) -- the "See all" link at the bottom is not working. It just duplicates the linked thread at the bottom.

    ALSO, you really ought to include conversations from tags on this feature.

    January 3, 2009

  • The new security mom.

    January 3, 2009

  • The perfect doughnut exists in the world of ideas, whereas every actual, material doughnut is imperfect.

    January 3, 2009

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    January 2, 2009

  • A special feature of Wordie PRO! which scans all of your lists and then shows all the instances of any known bugs in the system. For example, two of the same word within the same list.

    January 2, 2009

  • ATTENTION: TIME TO VOTE! I will do a tally of the votes on the 8th, in a week.

    January 2, 2009

  • "We produce a sense of ownership not only by pride but by confusion. We teach them not to notice the different senses of the possessive pronoun–-the finely graded differences that run from 'my boots' through 'my dog', 'my servant', 'my wife', 'my father', 'my master', and 'my country' to 'my God'. They can be taught to reduce all these senses to that of 'my boots', the 'my' of ownership."


    "I wonder you should ask me whether it is essential to keep the patient in ignorance of your own existence. That question, at least for the present phase of the struggle, has been answered for us by the High Command. Our policy, for the moment, is to conceal ourselves. Of course this has not always been so. We are really faced with a cruel dilemma. When the humans disbelieve in our existence we lose all the pleasing results of direct terrorism, and we make no magicians. On the other hand, when they believe in us, we cannot make them materialists and sceptics. At least, not yet. I have great hopes that we shall learn in due time how to emotionalise and mythologise their science to such an extent that what is, in effect. a belief in us (though not under that name) will creep in while the human mind remains closed to belief in the enemy. The "Life Force," the worship of sex, and some aspects of Psychoanalysis may here prove useful.

    If once we can produce our perfect work—-the Materialist Magician, the man, not using, but veritably worshipping, what he vaguely calls "Forces" while denying the existence of "spirits"--then the end of the war will be in sight. But in the meantime we must obey our orders. I do not think you will have much difficulty in keeping the patient in the dark. The fact that "devils" are predominantly comic figures in the modern imagination will help you. If any faint suspicion of your existence begins to arise in his mind, suggest to him a picture of something in red tights, and persuade him that since he cannot believe in that (it is an old textbook method of confusing them) he therefore cannot believe in you."

    The Screwtape Letters

    January 1, 2009

  • An alternative name for Morax.

    January 1, 2009

  • Also known as Kabrakan.

    January 1, 2009

  • A giant demon in Mayan myth who causes earthquakes. He makes mountains disappear, while his brother Zipakna makes mountains rise, also through earthquakes. They are the children of Vucub Caquix.

    (From Heart's Demons)

    January 1, 2009

  • A rat.

    January 1, 2009

  • To remove a vote.

    January 1, 2009

  • That's the piwr (pyur) in ArmSCII, of course!

    January 1, 2009

  • What a bounteous tracery of ribbing up in the ribcage.

    January 1, 2009

  • When Cortés dresses in latex and says goodbye.

    January 1, 2009

  • An obsessive interest in word games; a clinical obsession with word games.

    Paronomania is actually an invention by Reginald Hill in his book Dialogues of the Dead. In fact, Hill simply quotes the entry for paronomania from the Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition.

    (From Curious Words and Phrases)

    January 1, 2009

  • A unit of measurement to determine how much an animal can be subjugated by humans. Cowpower is even more, uh, powerful.

    January 1, 2009

  • The shape of a Rastafarian.

    January 1, 2009

  • Alt. spelling of grommet.

    January 1, 2009

  • A jolly chap with a funny chapeau.

    January 1, 2009

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    January 1, 2009

  • With a click of a button, Wordie PRO! will let you download your wordlist into an Excel Spreadsheet.

    January 1, 2009

  • In the Dictionnaire Infernal, Astaroth is depicted as a nude man with dragon-like wings, hands and feet, a second pair of feathered wings after the main, wearing a crown, holding a serpent in one hand, and riding a wolf or dog. According to Francis Barrett, Astaroth is the prince of accusers and inquisitors. According to some demonologists of the 16th century, August is the month during which this demon's attacks against man are stronger. (Wikipedia)

    January 1, 2009

  • A drink of intoxicating liquor; a bout of drinking. (From Michael Traynor's The English Dialect of Donegal, 1953)

    January 1, 2009

  • One of the tartaruchi, the chief angel of torment, according to the extracanonical Apocalypse of Paul. In addition to being described as "a merciless angel, all fire," Temeluchus also has the surprising designation as a caretaking angel set over children at birth or during infancy.

    "Yet again I looked upon the river of fire, and I saw there an old man who was being dragged along, immersed up to the knees. And Temeluchus came with a great fork of fire with which he pierced the entrails of that old man."


    January 1, 2009

  • Tartaruchi (singular: tartaruchus, related to the Greek verb tartarizo, meaning "to shiver with cold") are the keepers of Tartarus (hell), according to the non-canonical Apocalypse of Paul. The author describes them as using one hand to choke damned souls, and the other using an "iron of three hooks". Temeluchus is the only tartaruchus named in the work. (Wikipedia)

    January 1, 2009

  • "The baneful." From Dante’s Divine Comedy.

    January 1, 2009

  • Another name for Glasya-labolas.

    January 1, 2009

  • The only 'direct' son of the devil, or (Satan), ever identified in the New Testament apocrypha, especially by name. His only appearance is found in the Questions of Bartholomew.

    IV:58 -- "58 And I (Satan) awaked my son Salpsan and took him to counsel how I might deceive the man on whose account I was cast out of the heavens."


    January 1, 2009

  • Yuk! I stepped in some!

    January 1, 2009

  • One who has gotten yanked.

    January 1, 2009

  • Stay cute, newt!

    January 1, 2009

  • gangplank

    December 31, 2008

  • This sounds like the first room in a MUD.

    December 31, 2008

  • A very old yam.

    December 31, 2008

  • Did you know that if your username is also a word, we have the power to define you?

    December 31, 2008

  • Misspelling of xenophobia.

    December 31, 2008

  • ...alligator!

    December 31, 2008

  • Oh My God, I'm Not Your Step-Brother

    December 31, 2008

  • Amelioration.

    December 31, 2008

  • A collector of atras.

    December 31, 2008

  • treasure trove

    December 31, 2008

  • I want this to mean that which is effected by RNA.

    December 31, 2008

  • Simpler Spelling - Word of the Day. I just stumbled upon this site, it's cute. Includes a 'future words' list.

    December 31, 2008

  • I've found Wordie works particular well (read: faster) when utilizing the TABS feature, now found on most browsers. Rather than a ton of open windows, you can have many tabs within the same window. In Windows, this is often done with a mouse-rightclick and then Open New Tab. On OS-X (Mac), it is often Apple-click.

    (Apologies to those for whom this is obvious; I have recently discovered there's a great number of people who do not know about this feature.)

    December 31, 2008

  • From faq:


    This is useful for people who want to link to lists but don't know how. Using the Brackets is for words, not lists. I've seen some people try to link lists this way, and it doesn't work.

    This is done by making a simple HTML tag. The example is below.

    <A HREF="blah">Linked text here</A>

    Where "blah" is, you replace that with the URL. The URL is the exact web address. To get that, all you have to do is highlight the URL/Address at the top of your browser and then COPY-PASTE it into where the "blah" is. That's it! Enjoy!

    December 31, 2008

  • This concept has been modeled into several techniques over the years. Elequent examples include Voice-Dialogue and Psychosynthesis. There's a discussion of this concept on the word faggotry (as a commentary on the word).

    December 31, 2008

  • Lactate intolerance?

    December 31, 2008

  • A person's name. Or a misspelling of divine. Or it might as well be to remove a vine.

    December 31, 2008

  • Too often a mollycodel.

    December 31, 2008

  • Bahahah! PhART (Phoenix Area Rapid Transit) is the unofficial name for the Metro Light Rail located in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. It is a play on the name for the Bay Area Rapid Transit or BART serving San Francisco and surrounding communities. (Wikipedia)

    December 31, 2008

  • Excellent list.

    December 31, 2008

  • Perhaps tref. Or obit.

    December 31, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 31, 2008

  • I've seen two references to ipn-iee in your comments. What is that?

    December 31, 2008

  • The hivemind of Not Me and their tribe.

    December 31, 2008

  • See tag.

    December 31, 2008

  • See tag.

    December 31, 2008

  • See tag.

    December 31, 2008

  • See tag.

    December 31, 2008

  • See tag.

    December 31, 2008

  • See tag.

    December 31, 2008

  • See tag.

    December 31, 2008

  • See tag.

    December 31, 2008

  • I'm a fan of plat.

    December 31, 2008

  • Keep 'em coming! Linked here.

    December 30, 2008

  • Another of the infinite misspellings of onomatopoeia.

    December 30, 2008

  • With this feature, you can transfer a entire word list to another user, or completely orphan it into an festering pit of anonymity. An alternative to delete.

    December 30, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 30, 2008

  • I didn't verb it, I merely encuriousified myself.

    December 30, 2008

  • Somebody OED this for me please.

    December 30, 2008

  • It's important to protect our precious bodily fluids.

    December 30, 2008

  • What a creepy word.

    December 30, 2008

  • *eyes mollusque*

    December 30, 2008

  • Bahahah, I hope you make this a full list. There's a lot of these.

    December 30, 2008

  • I was talking about my kist o' whistles, folks!

    December 30, 2008

  • Wily, my moniker is basically just a wordplay that reminds me of epiphanies I've had studying Jung. I'm a clinical Hypnotherapist and Life Coach... so, personality and the transformational spirit are topics that represent what I'm about.

    December 30, 2008

  • These two letters are Chi Rho, the Greek letters that form the Labarum, or the first two letters of "Christ" in Greek.

    Also, a version of Microsoft Windows.

    Also, a being-dead type of emoticon.

    December 30, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 30, 2008

  • A walking bag is also called a walking sleeping bag, it's a ridiculously warm, puffy sleeping bag with individuated legs. Google search it.

    December 28, 2008

  • This sounds very Catholic.

    December 27, 2008

  • I fixed the link. That YouTube video is adorable. What's one of your sources of fondness for your Aunt?

    December 27, 2008

  • Does your username originate from this?

    December 27, 2008

  • I'm fairly certain you've got that one in the bag.

    December 27, 2008

  • I just randomed upon and re-read this thread. Good coincidence, as mere days ago I instigated the wordie word of the year 2008 and wordie list of the year 2008 suggestions (tagged woty08).

    December 27, 2008

  • Now an open list.

    December 27, 2008

  • I wish there were a good alchemy list...

    December 27, 2008

  • I want this to be the smell of brains.

    December 27, 2008

  • Gimme another hit, man.

    December 27, 2008

  • Now an open list.

    December 27, 2008

  • (  )

    December 27, 2008

  • The taskforce assigned to tagmass duty. VanishedOne is the closest thing we've got currently.

    December 27, 2008

  • speargun, walking bag, vigilance

    December 27, 2008

  • Good list!

    December 26, 2008

  • moll: it's a good idea (poty08 (which makes me want to pee)), but I feel like it's too late to bother now. I suggest that you just declare one, just like seanahan declared madeupical the woty07.

    December 26, 2008

  • Comment bug! I posted a comment to suggest pokemaniac to the list called types of collectors. But on the index page, it displays a DIFFERENT LIST NAME for where my comment is. Then, when one tries to click on the comment from the index page, it goes to a completely different list that I had nothing to do with called 9:22 am. Weird, huh.

    December 26, 2008

  • pokemaniac

    December 26, 2008

  • Uncontrollable punning.

    December 26, 2008

  • Good Morning, everyone! Looks like there's a bunch of special gifts waiting for us under the Wordtree! Wow!

    December 26, 2008

  • A land-squid from the 20s takes a photograph.

    December 25, 2008

  • This word sounds suspiciously like co-op.

    December 25, 2008

  • I love original neologism lists. Please make more words!

    December 25, 2008

  • Often called tsk-tsk.

    December 25, 2008

  • An emo festival.

    December 25, 2008

  • Good list. I have a similiar one that has more to do with words rather than person names called Krst List.

    December 25, 2008

  • Gotta Catch 'Em All!

    December 25, 2008

  • An icon for Gonzo.

    December 25, 2008

  • The moral of a story.

    December 25, 2008

  • I want this to refer to a particularly voracious metaphor.

    December 25, 2008

  • ===|:-o         --( "Four score and seven years ago..." )

    December 25, 2008

  • I've heard people use the expression half-on (sounds like a play off hard-on) for this.

    December 25, 2008

  • I just caught this thread. This might be obvious, but an example of a yonic symbol would be anything rounded and open--the 'Omega' sign, an 'O', a opening to a tunnel, etc. It's intentionally vague, of course, just like a phallic symbol is interpreted as basically anything that's stick-like. Sometimes it's just rounded, not even open--some consider a dome shape to be yonic in the same way some see skyscrapers to be phallic. It might be interesting to note that a lot of both religious and capital buildings seem to mysteriously contain both (stick-atop-dome).

    With symbolism like this my initial reflex is to roll my eyes, thinking about grade schoolers making immature, finger-in-hole gestures. But quite a lot of psychology has shown that these sorts of symbols (and a host of many others) do play a part in a sort of unconscious communication in the mind.

    December 25, 2008

  • She dossed and durned all night.

    December 25, 2008

  • Misspelling of dybbuk.

    December 25, 2008

  • This one has got a breakfast cereal contract.

    December 25, 2008

  • Keeps your organs from escaping.

    December 25, 2008

  • Makers of the fine games such as The Refreshing Adventures of Malamario.

    December 25, 2008

  • deely-boppers, yadda yadda, fiddly bits

    December 25, 2008

  • This is a huge stack of speakers set-up for a rave.

    December 25, 2008

  • Oh Ms. Babe, you can make a challenge simply a riddle to solve, or pose a fun question you want answered. It's more of a game than a competition.

    December 25, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 25, 2008

  • Raum steals treasures out of kings' houses, carrying them where he wishes, and destroys cities and dignities of men (he is said to have great dispraise for dignities). Raum can also tell things past, present and future, and reconcile friends and foes. In traditional satanism Raum is the deamon that invokes love. (Wikipedia)

    December 24, 2008

  • Plural form of mythos.

    December 24, 2008

  • Just long enough for touching things with. 10-foot poles are to be avoided.

    December 24, 2008

  • A fruit-spread collaboration.

    December 24, 2008

  • Niceish head-twitch conditions.

    December 24, 2008

  • The weather report says that in about 50 comments, when that snow is off the borkable main page, it may fill out...

    December 24, 2008

  • ∴※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:*:※:�?�



















    Oh my god! It's snowing!!

    It's going to be a wlite christmas everybody!

    December 24, 2008

  • Oh, well, I don't remember where I got that from. Feel free to remove it.

    December 24, 2008

  • What comes out of the rector.

    December 24, 2008

  • Telofy, you can nominate more than one word in Wordie Oliganarchy. Just tag 'em as woty08. It will be the Voting that matters!

    December 24, 2008

  • Apparently these are things that are chopped, cooked, and eaten.

    December 24, 2008

  • Bahahah. I sometimes refer to my partner as alien creature.

    December 24, 2008

  • I made a silly list of these sorts of alternatives here.

    December 24, 2008

  • Can someone with OED look this up for me?

    December 24, 2008

  • Look at me dance! Woo!

    December 24, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 24, 2008

  • Yes. I think I'll be doing one of those email-me deals.

    December 24, 2008

  • I'll be keeping a running list of nominations at wordie list of the year 2008.

    December 24, 2008

  • I'm more impressed with her many, amazing paintings posted on Flikkr (take out the space).

    December 23, 2008

  • She touches the TV when it asks her to.

    December 23, 2008

  • This must be an oldschool slam dance.

    December 23, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 23, 2008

  • Means party; this explains the funny hat.

    December 23, 2008

  • I would not recommend that anyone go climb this ladder.

    December 23, 2008

  • Fantastic slogan for Mandles, Candles for Men.

    December 23, 2008

  • Yes, the toot of an ol' coot.

    December 23, 2008

  • 666. Look at it.

    December 23, 2008

  • Not to be confused with horken.

    December 23, 2008

  • Uh, well, yes, you see, this originates from the obsolete, Old English word oft-khilte, used to longingly reference any flamboyant drag queens from ancient Greece.

    December 23, 2008

  • I'd imagine (since it's hard to date-stamp these lists) that any list can be nominated for this award, regardless of what year it was created.

    December 23, 2008

  • Wordie List of The Year 2008 is a great idea.

    December 23, 2008

  • An inexpensive airlines located in North America that uses small, aluminum planes. Known for their DIY, new age, "power of positive thinking"-attitude, their slogan is "Manifest Your Own Lunch." Very similiar to Southwest Airlines.

    December 23, 2008

  • You folks should learn to use the "more searches" button on the top right. There's a feature called "Search all lists" where you could type in keywords.

    December 23, 2008

  • Sometimes known as Smooth Jazz.

    December 23, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 23, 2008

  • Trying hard not to read this as waka waka.

    December 23, 2008

  • You can also exercise your groan muscles by expanding this tag.

    December 23, 2008

  • I nominate omgwtfbbq.

    December 23, 2008

  • See punnery.

    December 23, 2008

  • Puns can be often be dreadful, but they can sometimes work. It largely depends on what the joke is, how the word sounds, what the context is, etc. I've noticed that self-aware puns (perhaps defined as ones that register high on the criticism or ironic barometer) do better for comedy and for taste.

    Before, say, 2002 or so I used to hate the blasted things, but by now they're huge a part of my life and writing--they remind me of the flexible nature of language, symbolic association, and the art of recontextualing.

    December 23, 2008

  • I named my computer slurvian.

    December 23, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 23, 2008

  • I put the ack in acknowledge.

    December 23, 2008

  • I think it's safe to say most words ending with -in' are probably intentional.

    December 20, 2008

  • When a zealous horse jockey goes into their "zone."

    December 20, 2008

  • It would be cute to know everyone's location for that international feel, but it might also be a little creepy. Some people like privacy; I don't blame them.

    The list of contributors was generated entirely from people who've contributed to CHALLENGES thus far. If I were make a crude (and it would have to be) list of most-frequent "community members" on, it would be a bit different.

    I sort of like the way Wordie has many of us fairly removed. I pick up bits of an idea about people, but discussions are more about the words than relating stories and profiles. For example, I know *nothing* about fbharjo whatsoever, they might be an A.I. program written in perl, yet I totally appreciate their word lists.

    Do folks prefer personal stories of each other? If so, I wonder how Wordie could better facilitate that.

    December 20, 2008

  • See annorlunda.

    December 20, 2008

  • Why do I keep getting this word on random? Gah!

    December 20, 2008

  • :(

    December 20, 2008

  • This could be a keyword in a social darwinist argument.

    December 20, 2008

  • Pertaining to a word that mistakenly became part of a lexicon.

    December 20, 2008

  • I love these things.

    December 20, 2008

  • In my hypnotherapy training, insomnia is one of the easiest things to treat. Essentially, in many cases, you are merely formally teaching someone how to relax and go to sleep; developing a new ritual for it.

    December 20, 2008

  • Here.

    December 20, 2008

  • Prolagus, this was made sit on a shelf like this:

    December 20, 2008

  • I've played a video game like this before. You have to roll the ball so that it lands on the cats tail so that it jumps and pushes the birdcage door which releases the bird which bumps the balloon which knocks over the pin which rolls down the slide which hits the "on" button to the toaster which then pops the toast.

    December 20, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: What is this guy saying?

    December 20, 2008

  • This looks just like my janky coffee table at home.

    December 20, 2008

  • Sometimes, he has to go check on his closet-mummy.

    December 20, 2008

  • Gyromite raises his head to check his surroundings.

    December 20, 2008

  • My annorlunda don't want none unless you got puns, hon.

    December 20, 2008

  • Evil Booger Intends Harm

    December 20, 2008

  • This coat of arms is pretty funny. I wonder what type of bird that is.

    December 20, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 20, 2008

  • SleepBot 2008

    December 19, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 19, 2008

  • tichodrome

    December 19, 2008

  • WORDIE CHALLENGE: define this word!

    December 19, 2008

  • "You all would not have had" -- coined by rajington on At Least Two Apostrophes Or Your Money Back.

    December 19, 2008

  • u'pik'ayap'ona

    December 19, 2008

  • Murra is too busy carrying all those damn boxes to respond.

    December 19, 2008

  • Developed by the Tagbusters, Inc.

    December 19, 2008

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