Comments by zanshin

  • See also putz and schmuck

    December 29, 2006

  • In the world of accessible web applications, internationalization is the process of providing multiple language interfaces. The short version of the word, i18n, refers to the eighteen letters between the initial "I" and the final "N".

    December 29, 2006

  • When crewing on a small (or even large, I suppose) sailboat, the act of hiking is using the weight of the crew as movable ballast to offset the heeling of the craft.

    December 15, 2006

  • "Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more, or fill the wall up with our English dead." ~ Henry V

    December 15, 2006

  • The West Wing dialogue is where I learned it.

    December 12, 2006

  • Am I the only one who learned this word from CSI?

    December 12, 2006

  • A term for rain that doesn't reach the ground

    December 12, 2006

  • As in, what a wally

    December 12, 2006

  • My 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Davis, taught us pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis as an exercise in memorization. She's also the one who taught me ghoti as a phonetic spelling for fish.

    December 12, 2006

  • There are only three words in the English language (I believe) that start with dw. Dwindle is but one.

    December 12, 2006

  • There are only three words in the English language (I believe) that start with dw. Dwarf is but one.

    December 12, 2006

  • There are only three words in the English language (I believe) that start with dw. Dwell is but one.

    December 12, 2006

  • You can hear the "Date of Infamy" speech given by FDR on American Rhetoric

    December 7, 2006