Comments by zzfriend

  • A person person frightened of airplane propellers.

    From the French _helice,_ propeller.

    April 2, 2009

  • An imajon, the smallest particle of thought, attracts and organizes quantum particles to begin the appearance of matter from energy.

    "We are focus-points of consciousness, enormously creative. When we enter the self-constructed hologrammatic arena we call spacetime, we begin at once to generate creativity particles, imajons, in violent continuous pyrotechnic deluge." -- Richard Bach, _Running from Safety._

    The passage continues, defining conceptons, excytons, gloomons and related thought-particles.

    April 2, 2009

  • To the best of my knowledge, the fortepiano followed the harpischord and preceded the pianoforte. Thomas Jefferson purchased a fortepiano for his wife Martha in 1773, and reading the story was the first time I heard of the instrument.

    April 2, 2009

  • A neosignism is a familiar word with a new meaning. For instance, the word "dog," meaning "digital online graphic," is not an acronym (DOG) but a neosignism. A first cousin, of course, to _neologism,_ which I suspect it is, as well. Etymology from the French/Latin for _meaning._

    April 2, 2009