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  • Ms R feels like giving her readers a few bouchees this week to help nullify her boredom.

    On the fringes of madness Ms Robinson 2008

  • Rhone seems to be so slightly built, that I should imagine it would be one day carried away by that rapid river; especially as the arches are so small, that, after great rains they are sometimes bouchees, or stopped up; that is, they do not admit a sufficient passage for the encreased body of the water.

    Travels through France and Italy 2004

  • The little bouchees, filled with smoked salmon, which had preceded it had taken up very little of his attention, but she saw that the goose, handsomely accompanied by chestnuts and cranberry sauce, haricots verts and potatoes noisettes, was a dish worthy of his appetite.

    Damsel In Green Neels, Betty 1970


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