
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Resembling or characteristic of a coat (item of clothing).


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

coat +‎ -like


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  • As he moved about the village, making many decisions regarding the extensive Kee family of which he was now the effective if not titular head, he wore a long pigtail, a black skullcap edged in blue satin, a gray silken coatlike garment that fell to his ankles and was tightly buttoned at the neck and heavy brocaded shoes.

    Hawaii Michener, James 1959

  • Although the day was mild, she was dressed in woolen slacks, a pullover, and a heavy coatlike sweater which she held wrapped tight around her as if she couldn’t get warm.

    Slaying is Such Sweet Sorrow Patricia Harwin 2005


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