
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The act of stooping or bowing.
  • noun In surgery, an operation in cases of cataract, consisting in the removal of the opaque crystalline lens out of the axis of vision by means of a needle: now rarely practised.
  • noun In malting, the spreading of malt to dry after steeping. See couch, transitive verb, 3.
  • noun In paper-making, the removal of the flake of pulp from the mold on which it is formed to a felt.
  • noun A kind of embroidery in which silk, gold thread, or the like is laid upon the surface of the foundation instead of being drawn through it.
  • noun In agriculture, the operation of clearing land from couch-grass.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun (Med.) The operation of putting down or displacing the opaque lens in cataract.
  • noun Embroidering by laying the materials upon the surface of the foundation, instead of drawing them through.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of couch.
  • noun medicine The operation of putting down or displacing the opaque lens in cataract.
  • noun textiles Embroidering by laying the materials upon the surface of the foundation, instead of drawing them through.


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  • A method of embroidering: a thread is laid on the surface of a material, then is caught down at intervals by stitches taken with another thread through the material.

    March 30, 2007