
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of crawfish.


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  • Yeah, but then he crawfished on what he said the very next day.

    Obama Next Destination: Fox News 2009

  • Last night,, after hearing on one of those putative "new" program on television that all three Democratic Presidential front-runners had crawfished away from their tepid aversion to the war in Iraq, all three now talking about an indefinite "presence" there, I dashed off a threat at Daily Kos not to vote for them, or any other Dem who refused to call for an Out Now position.

    Stan Goff: Foray into KOS 2008

  • Now I think most know that all crawfished purchases by kid credit cards is written off by the Card Company as bad debt, and the WE pay the tab in the form of tax rules that allow these companies to write off bad debt.


  • They persist in this lie as they lose their jobs, accept changes in promised benefits being crawfished on as we speak, supporting American Enterprise.

    For the First Time, the USA is On the Precipice of Failure 2005

  • But having been dissed, crawfished, starved for funds and now denied access even to the notes made by four commission members chosen to see a key Presidential briefing-the one at which Mr. Bush learned, five weeks before 9/11, that Osama bin Laden and his terrorists were an imminent threat-at least some of the commissioners feel insulted.

    Bob Kerrey Says 9/11 Group Meets With Condoleezza 2004

  • BUSH: I will first remind the United Nations that for 11 long years Saddam Hussein has side-stepped, crawfished, weaseled out of any agreement he had made; not to develop weapons of mass destruction, agreements he's made to treat the people within his country with respect.

    CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2002 2002

  • I'd say Westerners, if the Europeans hadn't crawfished and the South Americans hadn't stood aside.

    Starfarers Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1998

  • Besides the killing itself, you'd know you'd crawfished, which plain isn't in your nature.

    The Stars Are Also Fire Anderson, Poul, 1926-2001 1994

  • Besides the killing itself, you'd know you'd crawfished, which plain isn't in your nature.

    The Stars Are Also Fire Anderson, Poul, 1926-2001 1994

  • A spider was spinning its web by the wall; now losing, now winning, now taking a fall; though often it tumbled, it breathed not a sob, nor crawfished nor grumbled, but stuck to its job.

    Rippling Rhymes Walt Mason


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