
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of orbital.


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  • When these are all in roughly the same plane, the orbitals from the double-bonds can mix together.

    Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? Boing Boing 2009

  • Substances are made of atoms, of course, and because of the laws of quantum mechanics the electrons in atoms have very specific energy levels -- what a chemist calls "orbitals", from the old idea that that's where the electrons "orbit."

    Analog Science Fiction and Fact 2005

  • Different parts of the molecule can attract or repel the orbitals, and sometimes symmetry makes energy levels line up.

    Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? Boing Boing 2009

  • The nature of a chemical bond is determined by the particular combination of electron orbitals, which are described by solutions to the Schroedinger equation.

    Attached to Strings 2009

  • Because it doesn't look like an atom at all! srsly, if you're working with particle physics at the level they * claim* to be, I want to see some freaking sigma orbitals!

    Iron Guy grrm 2010

  • The nature of a chemical bond is determined by the particular combination of electron orbitals, which are described by solutions to the Schroedinger equation.

    Attached to Strings 2009

  • The more there are, the closer in energy the resulting molecular orbitals are.

    Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? Boing Boing 2009

  • Atoms come together to form compounds; the geometry is determined by the orientations of the chemical bonds, which are mergers of electron orbitals.

    David Anderson on Creation and Evolution 2009

  • It has one or more electrons occupying space around it in orbitals, but the electrons don't have specific locations, they have wavefunction densities.

    Making Light: The tastemakers of tomorrow 2010

  • But if you don't know how a Designer can move electrons into specific molecular orbitals, then you have to consider that this "evident design" may be nothing more than the demonstrated human tendency to find teleology even where it doesn't exist.

    A Sociological Phenomenon 2008

  • They also found that oxygen forms the bonds by providing pairs of electrons that neatly fill empty energy levels, known as orbitals, around promethium.

    Element from the periodic table’s far reaches coaxed into elusive compound Mark Peplow 2024


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