
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun See palette.
  • noun Same as palea, 1, and in more common use by botanists.
  • noun See pallet.
  • noun A Middle English form of palate.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun (Bot.) Same as palea.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun heraldry A perpendicular band upon an escutcheon, one half the breadth of the pale.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

pale +‎ -et


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  • He wore a kind of paletôt of light camlet cloth, with voluminous lapels and deep cuffs of lavender watered silk; very baggy trousers, with lavender stripes down the seams; very shiny boots and quite as glossy a hat; his attire being completed by tightly-fitting gloves, of the hue known in Paris as beurre frais — that is to say, light yellow.

    Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef 2007

  • When you are more restricted your palet tends to expand because you can now actually enjoy the unique flavor of individual ingredients.

    PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er “Amy” | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan 2010

  • I loved to suck on the kokum in this bhaaji and as if to give an applause to Mom would make that sound with the tongue touching the palet to create a vacuum and a loud toch~~ in response to the tart flavors that tickled the inside of the mouth.

    Archive 2008-01-01 Anjali 2008

  • I loved to suck on the kokum in this bhaaji and as if to give an applause to Mom would make that sound with the tongue touching the palet to create a vacuum and a loud toch~~ in response to the tart flavors that tickled the inside of the mouth.

    Potato Bhaaji Mock Tavyarche Suke Bombil Anjali 2008

  • Spread with a palet knife (I use a clean finger so I can feel what I'm doing - this is acceptable).

    Older Women and Virtue 2007

  • Most French supermarkets have their own brand of palet breton, and they can also be found throughout Europe.

    Merry Cookies 2008

  • Joris Luyten It may be named unceremoniously for the hockey puck it resembles, but the palet breton tastes like a bit of heaven.

    Merry Cookies 2008

  • It is a truth that men, like the finest red wines, are callow energetic and rough to the palet when youthful but which mature slowly and

    No she's not dead: she's just over 35 Ms Robinson 2008

  • Dense and crunchy with a kind of sandy texture, the palet breton softens as you chew — the salty flavor cutting ever so subtly through the sweet.

    Merry Cookies 2008

  • Bu ve roket güçlendiriciler Evrensel Oluşturucu gerçekten etkili olarak yapmak bacaklar, kanatlar, palet ihtiyacı var. 2007 »Mart» 2007


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