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  • In a harshly worded article Russia's Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper Friday, Mr. Khodorkovsky said he felt pity for the prime minister, whom he described as feared and self-isolated man.

    Medvedev Hails Obama After Treaty's Ratification Greg White 2010

  • Thus, we have spawned this image of unkempt, self-isolated and generally ill-tempered race clowns roaming about with shady White segregationists who won't tell them how they really feel to their face.

    Charles D. Ellison: Revenge of the Black Republican Nerds 2010

  • Life for those self-isolated in the farthest mountains went on with a kind of timelessness, as the resourceful people built cabins, hunted the towering forests, made quilts, had clog dances and sang the ballads of Shakespeare's time.

    Gail McGowan Mellor: The Hanged Census Worker: Why Appalachia Hates Feds 2009

  • The coming together of war-weary nations in the West and the falling apart of the bellicose, backward, and self-isolated empire in the East enhanced the prospects for global governance.

    The Great Experiment Strobe Talbott 2008

  • The fact that only this sort of overgrown child shows up here to “defend” ID only proves how cowardly and self-isolated the IDers really are. harold

    Dembski and Common Descent - The Panda's Thumb 2007

  • He makes a deal that turns out to be dirtier than it seems to get illegally dumped on Vanar, knowing next to nothing about the self-isolated culture and assuming that the worst thing that can happen to him is deportation.

    Asimov's Science Fiction 2005

  • A close analysis of the Branch Davidian community in Waco in the period before the FBI and BATF entered the scene reveals it not as a tightly self-isolated group of fanatic believers, but as an independent community with regular interactions with the neighboring individuals and communities.

    A Darker Place King, Laurie R. 1999

  • Here is the amazing spectacle of a self-isolated people, begirt with the active life and thought of our eager times, yet sharing neither.

    The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 12, December, 1889 Various

  • For the time being, Belarus remains self-isolated from the West and its open-market economies.

    The 2001 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • For the time being, Belarus remains self-isolated from the West and its open-market economies.

    The 2001 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency


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