A list of 18 words by darqueau.
- edifice del evewas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- mazelinwas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- bossiroamwas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- carillinowas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- abohawas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- ponieswas added by darqueau and appears on 5 lists
- eagerraywas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- neverminewas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- roomirollwas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- tootlewoowas added by darqueau and appears on 2 lists
- veeayewas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- barbinwas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- gargoylewas added by darqueau and appears on 87 lists
- a.m.t.ewas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- earchitecturalwas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- y.t.t.e.was added by darqueau and appears on just this list
- essossewas added by darqueau and appears on 4 lists
- sayanpeauwas added by darqueau and appears on just this list
darqueau commented on the list achilles-g-rizzoli
We sincerely believe we have delineated the most remarkable and singular impression ever possible of expressing in terms of decorative architecture unique to extremes hardly possible of visualization unless one has actually experienced the oddly intrinsic throbbing ordeal, thereupon we feel we have produced the most picturesque and precious piece of, or at least essayed the initial move in what may be considered a new movement in the history of art.
July 1, 2008
bilby commented on the list achilles-g-rizzoli
Please tell me that wasn't a Sailor Moon attack.
July 1, 2008
darqueau commented on the list achilles-g-rizzoli
no... however, Thereupon yeilding to the graces of God, our master architect, we have on this day, Aug. 6, 1940, between six and seven am, revealed truthfully, however swiftly his influences, a picture of Lievres' heavenly home, stressing in particular the vista they shall have of the rotunda crowned by a lofty dome of superior lovliness, the whole far, far above the power of mankind to rear aground.
July 7, 2008
darqueau commented on the list achilles-g-rizzoli
Projected Major Unit No 35 in the Y.T.T.E.
The Shaft of Ascension
in which euthanasia is available to those desiring and meriting a pleasant, painless bon voyage from this land.
August 20, 2008