A list of 21 words by notanotherjazzpoet.
- lenticularwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 29 lists
- atmospherewas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 50 lists
- condensationwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 15 lists
- gustwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 52 lists
- cumuliformwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 4 lists
- thunderheadwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 15 lists
- snowwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 116 lists
- rainwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 126 lists
- thinwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 43 lists
- fluffywas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 50 lists
- partlywas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 10 lists
- accumulationwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 22 lists
- ominouswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 156 lists
- scudwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 38 lists
- cottonwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 68 lists
- sheepwas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 60 lists
- cumulonimbuswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 33 lists
- nimbuswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 94 lists
- cirruswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 45 lists
- stratuswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 15 lists
- cumuluswas added by notanotherjazzpoet and appears on 40 lists
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list cloud-words
lenticular clouds. Just cause I love them so much.
February 19, 2007
notanotherjazzpoet commented on the list cloud-words
I'd not heard of them. Seems it's a much more appealing term for altocumulus standing lenticularis.
I have to admit, I'm not particularly meteorologically inclined. I just love the sound of some of these words and wanted a proper home for scud.
February 19, 2007
reesetee commented on the list cloud-words
Great idea, NAJP! I've always been partial to cloud words.
Say, have you tried looking at your list in cloud format? Interesting visual!
February 19, 2007
erinmckean commented on the list cloud-words
I found some cloud jargon! Check out lennies.
December 15, 2010