This list represents a several year long quest (without the internet) to try and find a list of this format, not even in a sentence. I had stack, stick, stock, and stuck, but Steck is not a word, although it is a name.
I finally asked on the excellent Wordcraft message board and had an answer within the day.
Interesting, but it's very difficult to find groups of words like that. By the way, the words with the 5 vowels in the same word are interesting too: euforia, murciélago, ayuntamiento, etc.
seanahan commented on the list enumeration
This list represents a several year long quest (without the internet) to try and find a list of this format, not even in a sentence. I had stack, stick, stock, and stuck, but Steck is not a word, although it is a name.
I finally asked on the excellent Wordcraft message board and had an answer within the day.
October 12, 2007
frangarnes commented on the list enumeration
Interesting, but it's very difficult to find groups of words like that. By the way, the words with the 5 vowels in the same word are interesting too: euforia, murciélago, ayuntamiento, etc.
October 23, 2007
seanahan commented on the list enumeration
There's a list of English words with all 5 vowels, including a couple where the vowels appear in order.
October 23, 2007
sionnach commented on the list enumeration
For the seven deadly sins, the mnemonic I'm familiar with is waspleg:
wrath, avarice, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony
October 23, 2007