A list of 10 words by cindi.
- anhedoniawas added by cindi and appears on 86 lists
- amuse-bouchewas added by cindi and appears on 17 lists
- concomitantwas added by cindi and appears on 184 lists
- acalculiawas added by cindi and appears on 7 lists
- abecedariumwas added by cindi and appears on 11 lists
- bellicosewas added by cindi and appears on 266 lists
- callipygouswas added by cindi and appears on 42 lists
- obfuscatewas added by cindi and appears on 365 lists
- abstrusewas added by cindi and appears on 314 lists
- perspicaciouswas added by cindi and appears on 318 lists
jennarenn commented on the list fifty-cent-words
As opposed to 50 Cent's words.
August 23, 2007
reesetee commented on the list fifty-cent-words
I doubt they'd be this erudite. ;-)
August 23, 2007