A list of 87 words by thesaurosie.
- galumphwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 59 lists
- propinquitywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 204 lists
- brussels sproutswas added by thesaurosie and appears on 5 lists
- tryingwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 23 lists
- bracketwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 42 lists
- sesquipedalianwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 361 lists
- insipidwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 357 lists
- ambitiouswas added by thesaurosie and appears on 32 lists
- atrophywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 79 lists
- acquiescewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 228 lists
- dysphemismwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 63 lists
- constellationwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 75 lists
- susurruswas added by thesaurosie and appears on 193 lists
- rotgutwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 20 lists
- besottedwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 96 lists
- caloricallywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 6 lists
- quadruplewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 12 lists
- appliancewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 17 lists
- revulsionwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 21 lists
- restless head syndromewas added by thesaurosie and appears on just this list
- legwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 44 lists
- mermaidwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 61 lists
- cowboywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 34 lists
- thricewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 48 lists
- skittishwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 86 lists
- coquettewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 124 lists
- doxywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 63 lists
- prophylacticwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 70 lists
- callypigianwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 4 lists
- canoodlewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 74 lists
- christianwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 34 lists
- cinnamonwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 143 lists
- asphyxiawas added by thesaurosie and appears on 20 lists
- gloomywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 58 lists
- celadonwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 110 lists
- nowas added by thesaurosie and appears on 90 lists
- lexical itemwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 3 lists
- soporificwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 323 lists
- peripeteiawas added by thesaurosie and appears on 66 lists
- ocelotwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 42 lists
- fictionoidwas added by thesaurosie and appears on just this list
- don't panic! you can buy your way out!was added by thesaurosie and appears on just this list
- lexicographical dishwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 2 lists
- petriwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 6 lists
- hebetudewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 64 lists
- thingificationwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 5 lists
- exuberant virtuoso display of linguistic inventionwas added by thesaurosie and appears on just this list
- gambitwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 105 lists
- banditwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 50 lists
- gambitwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 105 lists
- callipygianwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 316 lists
- loquaciouswas added by thesaurosie and appears on 531 lists
- snarkwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 52 lists
- snarkywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 127 lists
- neologismwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 214 lists
- verbingwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 8 lists
- percolatewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 82 lists
- hoist by your own petardwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 3 lists
- caseatewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 14 lists
- cognacwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 32 lists
- doewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 37 lists
- ebullientwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 315 lists
- verisimilitudewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 438 lists
- microcosmicwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 6 lists
- unicornwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 95 lists
- prosie the privateerwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 2 lists
- baconwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 64 lists
- cephalopodwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 60 lists
- alonewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 59 lists
- friscalatingwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 7 lists
- om nom nomwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 3 lists
- rightwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 74 lists
- intoxicatewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 19 lists
- douchebagwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 41 lists
- niftywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 57 lists
- verbivoreswas added by thesaurosie and appears on 2 lists
- spectralwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 67 lists
- spectralwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 67 lists
- gaping mawwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 3 lists
- power napwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 5 lists
- cyberchondriawas added by thesaurosie and appears on 21 lists
- digital breadcrumbswas added by thesaurosie and appears on 4 lists
- fluffywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 50 lists
- mercilesswas added by thesaurosie and appears on 25 lists
- exacerbatewas added by thesaurosie and appears on 267 lists
- ostensiblywas added by thesaurosie and appears on 120 lists
- unfuckwas added by thesaurosie and appears on 8 lists
thesaurosie commented on the list good--2
Well, why isn't there?
July 4, 2009
plethora commented on the list good--2
See deleting comments.
July 4, 2009
thesaurosie commented on the list good--2
Cheers! And plethora is way up there!
July 4, 2009
bilby commented on the list good--2
You can also delete entire lists (your own) with the button under the list title.
July 4, 2009
thesaurosie commented on the list good--2
Thank you, I will keep that in mind. Where are you guys coming from?
July 4, 2009
thesaurosie commented on the list good--2
Oh nvm, I just figured something out on my own. *blush*
July 4, 2009
thesaurosie commented on the list good--2
Oh gosh, am I allowed/is it possible to use 'nvm' on this site and retain a shred of dignity?
July 4, 2009
bilby commented on the list good--2
I'm from Australia.
July 4, 2009
plethora commented on the list good--2
When a mummy and a daddy love each other very much...
July 4, 2009
thesaurosie commented on the list good--2
Right-o. Keep up the good work!
July 4, 2009
bilby commented on the list good--2
Welcome to Wordie, thesaurosie.
Plethora, we all love you tewwibly much as well, so you'll need to amend said world view to include our collective affection.
July 4, 2009