A list of 20 words by kisholi.
- unsociablewas added by kisholi and appears on 5 lists
- remotewas added by kisholi and appears on 56 lists
- detachedwas added by kisholi and appears on 30 lists
- troglodytewas added by kisholi and appears on 182 lists
- hermiticalwas added by kisholi and appears on 2 lists
- apartwas added by kisholi and appears on 27 lists
- incommunicadowas added by kisholi and appears on 27 lists
- withdrawnwas added by kisholi and appears on 20 lists
- cynicwas added by kisholi and appears on 52 lists
- beatnikwas added by kisholi and appears on 29 lists
- distantwas added by kisholi and appears on 39 lists
- aloofwas added by kisholi and appears on 166 lists
- reclusewas added by kisholi and appears on 75 lists
- individualistwas added by kisholi and appears on 9 lists
- hermitwas added by kisholi and appears on 51 lists
- lone wolfwas added by kisholi and appears on 12 lists
- solitarywas added by kisholi and appears on 48 lists
- hereticwas added by kisholi and appears on 100 lists
- lonerwas added by kisholi and appears on 14 lists
- nonconformistwas added by kisholi and appears on 21 lists
trivet commented on the list i-love-not-man-the-less-but-nature-more
March 26, 2007
valse commented on the list i-love-not-man-the-less-but-nature-more
troglodyte =] Here's a list I might find very useful.
March 27, 2007
kisholi commented on the list i-love-not-man-the-less-but-nature-more
thanks! just added troglodyte
March 31, 2007
meeralee commented on the list i-love-not-man-the-less-but-nature-more
misanthrope too strong? Then there are the lovely anchorite and eremite.
March 31, 2007
kisholi commented on the list i-love-not-man-the-less-but-nature-more
Thanks for the suggestions, meeralee. Yes, I did feel that misanthrope was too strong and the religious connotations in both anchorite and eremite makes me want to avoid them :)
April 2, 2007