A list of 7 words by 6stro4ek.
- а political impasse - политический тупикwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to be clobbered - быть в плачевном состоянииwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- the recovery in exports looks tepid - умеренное (не быстрое) восстановление экспортаwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- a doom-monger - человек, вечно ожидающий несчастьеwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to tame the beast they have created - укротить созданного ими монстраwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- to walk on the wild side - действовать, не думая о последствияхwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- the pegged peso - искусственно поддерживаемый песоwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
- the limp currency - слабая валютаwas added by 6stro4ek and appears on just this list
madmouth commented on the list its-like-1997-all-over-again
I am awed by this list's brevity, wryness, and the fine glint of Waughsian foreign-correspondent lunacy in its eye
March 7, 2014
yarb commented on the list its-like-1997-all-over-again
March 11, 2014