A list of 12 words by machineplay.
- gambitwas added by machineplay and appears on 105 lists
- arcanewas added by machineplay and appears on 260 lists
- anawas added by machineplay and appears on 24 lists
- analepticwas added by machineplay and appears on 24 lists
- caryatidwas added by machineplay and appears on 79 lists
- portculliswas added by machineplay and appears on 71 lists
- zenithwas added by machineplay and appears on 217 lists
- analemmawas added by machineplay and appears on 47 lists
- lunarwas added by machineplay and appears on 71 lists
- salaciouswas added by machineplay and appears on 287 lists
- epiphanywas added by machineplay and appears on 272 lists
- facetiouswas added by machineplay and appears on 369 lists
machineplay commented on the list machineplay-s-words
facetious: I use it a lot and no one seems to know it. I think everyone should know it.
December 6, 2006
machineplay commented on the list machineplay-s-words
epiphany: I always try and spell this with two h's. I hate that.
December 6, 2006
seanahan commented on the list machineplay-s-words
"ephiphany" sounds pretty funny.
December 6, 2006
machineplay commented on the list machineplay-s-words
ana: does quadruple duty. I love it.
December 7, 2006