A list of 8 words by mcchris.
- fastidiouswas added by mcchris and appears on 303 lists
- persnicketywas added by mcchris and appears on 301 lists
- hailwas added by mcchris and appears on 72 lists
- tacitwas added by mcchris and appears on 202 lists
- moistwas added by mcchris and appears on 175 lists
- latencywas added by mcchris and appears on 18 lists
- societalwas added by mcchris and appears on 18 lists
- societalwas added by mcchris and appears on 18 lists
mcchris commented on the list mcchris-s-words
I really despise the word "societal." If you need a word that means "related to society," "social" is perfectly fine and far more elegant. "Societal" reminds me of pretentious undergrads and social scientists who can't write.
December 7, 2006