A list of 21 words by trochee.
- peacemongerwas added by trochee and appears on 4 lists
- rumormongerwas added by trochee and appears on 11 lists
- newsmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 12 lists
- whoremongerwas added by trochee and appears on 12 lists
- warmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 25 lists
- rulemongerwas added by trochee and appears on 3 lists
- mutton mongerwas added by trochee and appears on 3 lists
- miracle mongerwas added by trochee and appears on 3 lists
- ironmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 18 lists
- hatemongerwas added by trochee and appears on 11 lists
- fleshmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 7 lists
- fellmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 12 lists
- fashion-mongerwas added by trochee and appears on just this list
- fancymongerwas added by trochee and appears on 12 lists
- ballad mongerwas added by trochee and appears on just this list
- bookmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 6 lists
- carpetmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 3 lists
- cheesemongerwas added by trochee and appears on 13 lists
- costermongerwas added by trochee and appears on 53 lists
- fearmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 12 lists
- fishmongerwas added by trochee and appears on 38 lists
milosrdenstvi commented on the list mongery
Yay! I was just wondering today my dating-to-high-school question of whether a g in monger is hard or soft (it's hard, apparently). Etymologies, anyone?
September 30, 2010