A list of 29 words by vanishedone.
- freaqualswas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- etymologgedwas added by vanishedone and appears on 2 lists
- ineffablewas added by vanishedone and appears on 345 lists
- definishedwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- blunderscorewas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- spaceoutwas added by mollusque and appears on just this list
- umloutwas added by mollusque and appears on just this list
- misbracedwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- 0h-n0was added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- polka-dotswas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- extra spacewas added by whichbe and appears on just this list
- bracketeeringwas added by vanishedone and appears on 3 lists
- colon cancerwas added by vanishedone and appears on 2 lists
- commarginalwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- pipelineswas added by vanishedone and appears on 4 lists
- slashing priceswas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- semicoliwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- slanticularwas added by vanishedone and appears on 3 lists
- exclamaterielwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- punktwas added by vanishedone and appears on 2 lists
- astericalwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- dashinglywas added by vanishedone and appears on 4 lists
- capostrophewas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- accentuachewas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- arrowneouswas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- ennumberedwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- demoticonwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
- misquotewas added by vanishedone and appears on 5 lists
- parenthesickwas added by vanishedone and appears on just this list
vanishedone commented on the list obsessive-compulsive-slightly-judgmental-tagging-syndrome
I decided not to open this fully, in order to preserve an appearance of orderly, reliable meta-ness, but feel free to ask to be added as a contributor.
January 12, 2009
sionnach commented on the list obsessive-compulsive-slightly-judgmental-tagging-syndrome
Purrsonally all I'm seeking is a little credit for having invented the phrase "obsessive-compulsive slightly judgemental tagging syndrome" in the first place. Y'all think you can just delete an 'e' from one of the words and fool me into not recognizing where it came from. Feed that cheese to another dog.
Go ahead. See tree-.
The fox takes the umbrage from the taggers. He shoots! He scores! He guffaws mightily!
April 11, 2009
vanishedone commented on the list obsessive-compulsive-slightly-judgmental-tagging-syndrome
Why not put the note on OCSJTS itself, to which the list summary refers people? Of course, that in turn refers them to tree- anyway.
I've added a credit to the list summary for the edification of people who can't be bothered to click through. And you can keep the umbrage.
April 11, 2009
vanishedone commented on the list obsessive-compulsive-slightly-judgmental-tagging-syndrome
Hooray, our handy reference list is back!
November 19, 2009