A list of 7 words by phr33k.
- shazamwas added by phr33k and appears on 29 lists
- saturninewas added by phr33k and appears on 349 lists
- haranguewas added by phr33k and appears on 264 lists
- cirrhosiswas added by phr33k and appears on 27 lists
- ytterbiumwas added by phr33k and appears on 15 lists
- xanthosiswas added by phr33k and appears on 8 lists
- stoichomatic ratiowas added by phr33k and appears on just this list
phr33k commented on the list phr33k-s-list
June 1, 2009
phr33k commented on the list phr33k-s-list
June 1, 2009
mollusque commented on the list phr33k-s-list
Hi phr33k! Welcome to Wordie! I think you mean stoichiometric.
June 1, 2009