A list of 20 words by charlesferdinand.
- apus apuswas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- guira guirawas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- buteo buteowas added by charlesferdinand and appears on 3 lists
- perdix perdixwas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- cotumix cotumixwas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- bison bisonwas added by charlesferdinand and appears on 2 lists
- bubalus bubaliswas added by charlesferdinand and appears on 2 lists
- bubo bubowas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- vulpes vulpeswas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- gorilla gorilla gorillawas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- rattus rattuswas added by charlesferdinand and appears on 2 lists
- sula sulawas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- regulus reguluswas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- uncia unciawas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- lynx lynxwas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- caracal caracalwas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- coscoroba coscorobawas added by charlesferdinand and appears on just this list
- mephitis mephitiswas added by charlesferdinand and appears on 2 lists
- gulo gulowas added by charlesferdinand and appears on 3 lists
- pica picawas added by charlesferdinand and appears on 2 lists
bilby commented on the list reduplicating-animals
sula sula, rattus rattus.
May 14, 2009
qroqqa commented on the list reduplicating-animals
The Western lowland gorilla is Gorilla gorilla gorilla.
May 14, 2009
bilby commented on the list reduplicating-animals
Cotumix cotumix - quail.
June 9, 2009
charlesferdinand commented on the list reduplicating-animals
Good one Bilby!
June 9, 2009
seanahan commented on the list reduplicating-animals
Does homo sapiens sapiens count?
June 10, 2009
charlesferdinand commented on the list reduplicating-animals
Well, it doesn't reduplicate completely
June 10, 2009