Sounds with their indexes and the English letters representing them
An open empty list by Khvalovsky.
Tip: Add several words or phrases at once by separating them with semicolons. Don't worry about surrounding whitespace -- we'll ignore it.
01 - "o,u" - son, Sun.
02 - "a,ar,au" - spa, are, aunt.
03 - "i,ie,y,ye" - I, pie, my, eye.
04 - "ou,ow" - house, now.
05 - "b"
06 - "v"
07 - "w,u,-" - why, quarter, one.
08 - "th" - the.
09 - "g" - get.
10 - "d"
11 - "g,j" - gym, jet.
12 - "er,ir,or,ur,yr" - her, fir, word, fur, myrtle.
13 - "g,s" - garage, pleasure.
14 - "s,z" - as, size.
15 - "i,u,y" - big, busy, many.
16 - "e,ea,ee,ey" - he, flea, tree, key.
17 - "ear,eer" - fear, beer.
18 - "y" - yes.
19 - "c,ck,k,q" - cock, kid, queen.
1907 - "qu" - quick.
20 - "l"
21 - "m"
22 - "n"
23 - "n,ng" - ink, sing.
24 - "o" - not.
25 - "au,aw,or,oar,oor,ore,ough,our" - auto, saw, or, boar, door, ore, cought, four.
26 - "oi,oy" - oil, boy.
27 - "o,oe,ou,ow" - no, foe, soul, show.
28 - "p"
29 - "r"
30 - "ce,ci,s,ss" - once, city, sin, mass.
31 - "t"
32 - "oo,u" - book, put.
33 - "oo,ou,ue,wo" - too, blue, soup, two.
34 - "oor, our, ure" - poor, tour, pure.
35 - "ph,f" - photo, five.
36 - "th" - path.
37 - "h" - hi.
38 - "ch"
39 - "ch,s,sh" - parachute, sure, she.
40 - "a" - man.
41 - "e" - men.
42 - "e,er,o,or,ure" develop, paper, collector, doctor, pressure.
43 - "air" - fair.
44 - "a,ai,ay,ei,ey" - late, mail, May, rein, obey.
meme commented on the list sounds-with-their-indexes-and-the-english-letters-representing-them
Interesting classification. What is it used for?
July 25, 2011