A list of 36 words by abraxaszugzwang.
- desirewas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 85 lists
- candle at both endswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on just this list
- questionswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 15 lists
- cigarwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 25 lists
- cigarettewas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 43 lists
- brawas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 34 lists
- fusewas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 38 lists
- hairwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 57 lists
- inwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 66 lists
- holewas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 60 lists
- trashwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 49 lists
- upwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 73 lists
- outwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 71 lists
- leaveswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 33 lists
- love letterswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on just this list
- dvdwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 8 lists
- cdwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 15 lists
- midnight oilwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 4 lists
- crosswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 87 lists
- beanswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 25 lists
- coffeewas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 134 lists
- eyeswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 47 lists
- mouthwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 56 lists
- tonguewas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 82 lists
- bridgeswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 6 lists
- witchwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 80 lists
- toastwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 71 lists
- dinnerwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 31 lists
- fingerswas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 14 lists
- skinwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 70 lists
- housewas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 89 lists
- rubberwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 48 lists
- evidencewas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 54 lists
- flagwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 69 lists
- friendwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on 84 lists
- draft cardwas added by abraxaszugzwang and appears on just this list
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-burned
Have at it.
February 16, 2007
uselessness commented on the list stuffie-burned
Hey! I'm honored to see someone else with a Stuffie! :-)
How about: cigarette? cigar? out? in (as in, CRTs and screensavers)? up? ears? fuse? trash?
February 16, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-burned
Thanks uselessness! Can you burn cigarettes, cigars, and fuses? Or do you light those?
February 16, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-burned
Now that I think about it, fuse makes sense.
February 16, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list stuffie-burned
I remember lo these many moons ago burning my bra.
No, not really.
February 16, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list stuffie-burned
You know, all the women who burned their bras as part of the sexual revolution? Your entry "draft card" made me think of it.
(Odd. I nearly typed "sexual revulsion." Hmm...)
February 16, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-burned
eh, feminism, sexual revulsion - same thing ;)
And your entry made sense. It's just that it's 4:30am and my brain wasn't working right when I read it. G'night.
February 16, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list stuffie-burned
Hey, at least it's 4:30 a.m. where you are. What the hell is my excuse? ;)
February 16, 2007
uselessness commented on the list stuffie-burned
Hmm... as a non-smoker, I guess I can't really say. Though I would figure, the cigarette "burns" until it's no good anymore, then you throw the butt away. Presumably, a cigar would work the same way.
Also, how about sunbathers?
February 16, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-burned
yeah, that works.
And as for sunbathers, I have skin on the list already. Now, I've always approached Stuffies by saying "you" before each word to see if it works . . . that doesn't seem to work with sunbathers. But Stuffies are your chickadees, so you tell me.
February 16, 2007
uselessness commented on the list stuffie-burned
You telling me how these things work?!? ;-)
Truth be told, that's how I run mine, too. For the most part. I'll make exceptions for really good ones. Don't assume that just because I suggest a word, I would accept that word in my own Stuffie. I'm just trying to be helpful, in the event that you have different rules from mine.
I'm glad you don't. Conform! Conform!! Bwahahahaha.
February 16, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-burned
It is decided. Sunbathers is out! Overruled! In your face! "My name is Chip, and I'm different."
February 16, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list stuffie-burned
gas? gunpowder? Or just powder? fireships? coal?
February 16, 2007
trivet commented on the list stuffie-burned
ear, questions, candle at both ends, desires?
February 17, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-burned
Hey guys. Bit late on this. Thanks for the suggestions. Some I don't really get. What with the ear one?
February 23, 2007
trivet commented on the list stuffie-burned
As in, "Are your ears burning, AbraxasZugzwang? Cause they were talking about you on the -tory list."
February 23, 2007
abraxaszugzwang commented on the list stuffie-burned
interesting. I've always heard "are your ears ringing?"
February 23, 2007