A list of 103 words by theinfonaut.
- Secularwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 3 lists
- shibbolethwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 224 lists
- belaborwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 69 lists
- conspiratorialwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 26 lists
- overwroughtwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 64 lists
- enervatedwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 31 lists
- jeremiadwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 139 lists
- flintywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 49 lists
- elisionswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 2 lists
- bibelotwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 37 lists
- falutinositywas added by theinfonaut and appears on just this list
- artifactwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 57 lists
- auspiciouswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 275 lists
- panaceawas added by theinfonaut and appears on 264 lists
- etiolatewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 108 lists
- intellectualwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 40 lists
- penny farthingwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 6 lists
- subcutaneouswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 27 lists
- infatuationwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 48 lists
- sonorouswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 134 lists
- scientismwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 14 lists
- tangentialwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 103 lists
- symbologywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 13 lists
- chronologywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 30 lists
- recombinantwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 10 lists
- precociouswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 201 lists
- bawdywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 92 lists
- toutedwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 2 lists
- canonicalwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 72 lists
- multivalentwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 11 lists
- echolaliawas added by theinfonaut and appears on 82 lists
- etherealwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 363 lists
- ennuiwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 485 lists
- glibwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 189 lists
- camel casewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 3 lists
- catharsiswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 220 lists
- mimesiswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 69 lists
- mechanicalwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 27 lists
- facetedwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 8 lists
- codifywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 58 lists
- glowwormwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 25 lists
- art decowas added by theinfonaut and appears on 11 lists
- art nouveauwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 8 lists
- rococowas added by theinfonaut and appears on 153 lists
- blackletterwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 5 lists
- expectationwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 21 lists
- zeitgeistwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 363 lists
- dissonancewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 130 lists
- hubriswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 267 lists
- bespokewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 89 lists
- neuroticwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 53 lists
- ineffablewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 345 lists
- cascadewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 109 lists
- cuptailwas added by theinfonaut and appears on just this list
- elegantwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 90 lists
- tweewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 104 lists
- diffidencewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 97 lists
- epicureanismwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 12 lists
- stoicismwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 30 lists
- hedonismwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 79 lists
- anhedoniawas added by theinfonaut and appears on 86 lists
- ardentwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 158 lists
- disciplinewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 47 lists
- emoticloudwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 3 lists
- femininitywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 17 lists
- intersticeswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 21 lists
- ingenuitywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 58 lists
- tersewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 178 lists
- froufrouwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 41 lists
- blingblingwas added by theinfonaut and appears on just this list
- insightfulwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 32 lists
- rachmaninoffwas added by theinfonaut and appears on just this list
- catamaranwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 52 lists
- tintinnabulationwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 166 lists
- elegancewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 44 lists
- sophisticatedwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 58 lists
- honestywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 44 lists
- ambientwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 67 lists
- french traditionwas added by theinfonaut and appears on just this list
- rene hersewas added by theinfonaut and appears on just this list
- valuewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 59 lists
- blitzwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 46 lists
- vexwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 161 lists
- irksomewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 65 lists
- eustresswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 14 lists
- jauntywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 112 lists
- playgroundwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 18 lists
- grouchywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 42 lists
- gadflywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 88 lists
- ponywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 47 lists
- chibiwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 7 lists
- petiolewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 14 lists
- nasturtiumwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 38 lists
- assumptionwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 31 lists
- oscillationwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 34 lists
- discriminatingwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 19 lists
- gracewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 126 lists
- coquettishwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 68 lists
- flaneurwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 66 lists
- crumplewas added by theinfonaut and appears on 35 lists
- aphorismwas added by theinfonaut and appears on 242 lists
- voraciousnesswas added by theinfonaut and appears on 6 lists
- pithywas added by theinfonaut and appears on 255 lists
theinfonaut commented on the list theinfonaut-s-words
sometimes adding words just to see how many other people have them too is very very amusing...
June 21, 2007
reesetee commented on the list theinfonaut-s-words
But isn't it also fun, info, when you turn out to be the first one to list a word?
Of course, if you're uselessness, you then erase yourself and leave a mysterious ghostword out in the ether. ;-)
June 22, 2007