A list of 22 words by sionnach.
- gruesomewas added by sionnach and appears on 62 lists
- lissomewas added by sionnach and appears on 122 lists
- fulsomewas added by sionnach and appears on 188 lists
- noisomewas added by sionnach and appears on 190 lists
- lonesomewas added by sionnach and appears on 30 lists
- fearsomewas added by sionnach and appears on 18 lists
- bothersomewas added by sionnach and appears on 20 lists
- cumbersomewas added by sionnach and appears on 104 lists
- wholesomewas added by sionnach and appears on 36 lists
- twosomewas added by sionnach and appears on 7 lists
- tiresomewas added by sionnach and appears on 12 lists
- toothsomewas added by sionnach and appears on 102 lists
- troublesomewas added by sionnach and appears on 22 lists
- adventuresomewas added by sionnach and appears on 5 lists
- flavorsomewas added by sionnach and appears on 8 lists
- burdensomewas added by sionnach and appears on 14 lists
- meddlesomewas added by sionnach and appears on 36 lists
- quarrelsomewas added by sionnach and appears on 31 lists
- irksomewas added by sionnach and appears on 65 lists
- frolicsomewas added by sionnach and appears on 43 lists
- handsomewas added by sionnach and appears on 55 lists
- awesomewas added by sionnach and appears on 122 lists
sionnach commented on the list things-go-better-with-some
This list is mainly for adjectives, so I'm not including words like chromosome and ribosome.
There is something discombobulating about the suffix some -- when I gaze upon the list, most of the words start to appear misspelled to me. Normally my spelling instincts are reasonably good, and not prone to creeping doubts, but this list weirds me out after a while.
October 17, 2007
npydyuan commented on the list things-go-better-with-some
A winsome and handsome list!
(I see what you mean about the orthographical illusion, though!)
October 17, 2007
skipvia commented on the list things-go-better-with-some
Lithesome has always given me trouble. It sounds like the opposite of what it means. Plus, as you say, it just doesn't appear to be spelled correctly.
October 17, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list things-go-better-with-some
October 17, 2007
npydyuan commented on the list things-go-better-with-some
You winsome and you losesome.
October 17, 2007
reesetee commented on the list things-go-better-with-some
You're right, sionnach. Those little Ms are jumping around before my eyes. Creepy.
October 17, 2007