A list of 10 words by PeregrinatingLass.
- lachrymatorywas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 25 lists
- eschatonwas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 40 lists
- quawas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 57 lists
- contumaciouswas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 178 lists
- concupiscencewas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 168 lists
- logophilewas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 62 lists
- quondamwas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 108 lists
- desultorywas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 361 lists
- fissiparouswas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 36 lists
- eleemosynarywas added by PeregrinatingLass and appears on 145 lists
bilby commented on the list too-pretentious-to-use
Use 'em or lose 'em.
March 30, 2013