A list of 13 words by tresgeek.
- oh boy!was added by lampbane and appears on 2 lists
- warning!was added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- that's all folkswas added by Prolagus and appears on 4 lists
- yabba dabba dowas added by john and appears on just this list
- ah, bach!was added by dontcry and appears on just this list
- spectacularwas added by dontcry and appears on 62 lists
- frackwas added by john and appears on 24 lists
- airlockwas added by tresgeek and appears on 10 lists
- bearswas added by jedilin and appears on 16 lists
- seriouslywas added by jedilin and appears on 31 lists
- slapwas added by tresgeek and appears on 42 lists
- chlamydiawas added by tresgeek and appears on 14 lists
- fantasticwas added by tresgeek and appears on 90 lists
tresgeek commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
fantastic:Favorite superlative of the Ninth Doctor on Doctor Who.
April 25, 2008
tresgeek commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
chalmydia:The STD which spawned the comment "Your trellis is a whore," on Veronica Mars.
April 25, 2008
tresgeek commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
slap: May be used as currency in a trivial wager, with hilarious results. (How I Met Your Mother)
April 25, 2008
jedilin commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
seriously: Rhetorical interrogative heard regularly at Seattle Grace Hospital. Can also be used as responding declarative: "Seriously?" "Seriously!" (Grey's Anatomy)
April 26, 2008
jedilin commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
bears: Godless killing machines and the #1 threat to America, according to Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report.
April 26, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
cool list, tresgeek--except I'm rather partial to bears, myself.
There are at least a couple of Colbert Report lists around here somewhere... I think John has one, and so do I (which actually, now that I looked at it, contains a link to John's list).
Also, have you thought about adding these comments to the words themselves, rather than to the list that contains them? That way everyone looking at that word page will find them. :) Welcome to Wordie!
April 26, 2008
tresgeek commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
chained_bear, thanks for the comment. I guess we'll try putting comments on the word and on the list page, unless that gets too annoying.
April 30, 2008
tresgeek commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
airlock:Handy location for disposing of your enemies, by venting them into space (Battlestar Galactica)
April 30, 2008
reesetee commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
That's actually what the word pages are for, tresgeek. I think c_b meant putting comments on word pages only, because then they'll show up should someone else come across the word (but not see your list). :-)
April 30, 2008
dontcry commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
trésgeek -- let us play too!
April 30, 2008
chained_bear commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
Yeah, I meant, for example, your comment on this page for "fantastic," would be best placed on the fantastic page. Because not everyone would come across that word through looking at your list--they might just be looking at the word, or at someone else's list. On the word page, they'd be able to see that it's on your list (on the right-hand side). But if your "fantastic" comment is only on this list (right here), then not as many "fantastic" lovers will find it.
April 30, 2008
tresgeek commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
OK, thanks everyone for your comments. I'm going to open the list to everyone, and also start putting the definition related comments only on the word pages.
April 30, 2008
john commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
Brilliant list tresgeek, I love it.
April 30, 2008
reesetee commented on the list tresgeek-s-tv-words-list
Agreed--and apologies for not having mentioned that sooner!
April 30, 2008