A list of 29 words by Fidel.
- to fake a commitment - подделывать обязательствоwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to shrink from society - избегать обществаwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to ensure the principle - гарантировать принципwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to perish - погибать, умиратьwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to sneer at - иронизироватьwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to be unsung - быть недооценённымwas added by Fidel and appears on 2 lists
- to make a bee-line - идти напрямуюwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to thwart / to impede/ to hinder/ to hamper/ to inhibit- препятствоватьwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to shield eyes - заслонять/ защищать глазаwas added by Fidel and appears on 2 lists
- to fork out money - раскошелитьсяwas added by Fidel and appears on 7 lists
- to revamp smth. - улучшать что-тоwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to rip off property - украсть собственностьwas added by Fidel and appears on 2 lists
- to lob lawsuits - углублятся в судебный процессwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to have repercussions - иметь плохие последствияwas added by Fidel and appears on 6 lists
- to award $1 billion in damages - присудить штраф в размере 1 миллиарда за нанесение убытковwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to vindicate smb. - оправдать кого-либоwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to violate the law - нарушать законwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to fade - блёкнуть, исчезатьwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- steer the car - управлять автомобилемwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to converge a toaster and a refrigerator - соединить тоастер и холодильник воединоwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to dish out lawsuits - распространять судебные тяжбыwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to pledge to do smth. - обещать что-то сделатьwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to fall sharply - сильно упастьwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to be lambasted for smth. - подвергаться критике за что-тоwas added by Fidel and appears on just this list
- to deserve praise - заслужить похвалуwas added by Fidel and appears on 10 lists
- to brake recordswas added by Fidel and appears on 2 lists
- to smash records - побить рекордыwas added by Fidel and appears on 6 lists
- to foster growth - способствовать ростуwas added by Fidel and appears on 23 lists
- to facilitatewas added by Fidel and appears on 29 lists
Feabelit commented on the list verbs--30
а где к фасилитейт транслейшн?
September 5, 2012