A list of 15 words by grantbarrett.
- hypocritewas added by grantbarrett and appears on 56 lists
- handbaggingwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 2 lists
- yahoowas added by grantbarrett and appears on 48 lists
- scurrilouswas added by grantbarrett and appears on 161 lists
- scumbagwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 34 lists
- ratwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 64 lists
- guttersnipewas added by grantbarrett and appears on 64 lists
- gurrierwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 8 lists
- fascistwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 32 lists
- cowardwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 39 lists
- corner boywas added by grantbarrett and appears on 2 lists
- communistwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 28 lists
- chancerwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 9 lists
- buffoonwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 62 lists
- bratwas added by grantbarrett and appears on 33 lists
bilby commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
And fuck, apparently, is not. See report here.
December 15, 2009
john commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
My new favorite list. Makes me want to go to Ireland and scream "corner boy" at parliamentarians.
December 15, 2009
gangerh commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
December 15, 2009
dontcry commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
December 15, 2009
grant_barrett commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
"Luck" and "banned" aren't really forbidden, are they?
December 16, 2009
gangerh commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
Haha, GB. Welcome to the wonder that was Wordie!
December 16, 2009
sionnach commented on the list words-banned-in-the-irish-parliament
I would think that gombeen man, sleveen, and gobshite might also belong on this list.
December 16, 2009