A list of 8 words by arby.
- hyperbolewas added by arby and appears on 216 lists
- anthropomorphizewas added by arby and appears on 30 lists
- mutilatewas added by arby and appears on 60 lists
- mnemonicwas added by arby and appears on 122 lists
- herculeanwas added by arby and appears on 34 lists
- aspartamewas added by arby and appears on 11 lists
- misledwas added by arby and appears on 18 lists
- myrmidonwas added by arby and appears on 99 lists
arby commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
mutilate = mutiliate (rhymes with humiliate! see, I'm not so stupid after all!)
mnemonic = mnemnonic
Herculean = Herculanean
aspartame = "asparta-MAY" instead of "AS-par-tame"
myrmidon = myrmidion
misled = "myzeld" instead of "MIS-led"
October 5, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
Myzeld! I still like to pronounce it that way.
October 5, 2007
jennarenn commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
Myzeld! My AP English teacher talked about that mispronunciation. It had never occured to me, but it make so much sense. (Ooo! Ooo! Do I get to complain about how badly the English alphabet sucks???)
October 5, 2007
arby commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
Always, jennarenn. I kind of love how totally fubar English is.
October 5, 2007
arby commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
And then from myzeld you get the fictitious verb "to misle". Or I did, anyway.
October 5, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
Yes! I hate when someone tries to misle me.
Arby, I have a friend who still pronounces aspartame "a-SPAR-ta-may." I don't have the heart to correct her.
October 5, 2007
chained_bear commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
I love how fubar English is too. You can read history just in the spelling of "ordinary" words--nevermind the sheer number of words or the variety of cultures from whence they come.
October 5, 2007
arby commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
Ah, RT - there's the syllabification I was looking for. And again in my defense, the spelling kind of reminds me of edamame, so it's a perfectly logical mistake to make! (Of course, one is a Western trademarked chemical creation and the other is a Japanese bean, but six of one, amirite?)
October 5, 2007
reesetee commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
No need to defend yourself! To be honest, I prefer the wrong spelling of that word. It sounds more elegant. Besides, I have no room to talk, since I like myzeld, too. :-)
October 5, 2007
arby commented on the list words-i-used-to-misread
I tend to be defensive about my misreadings, having been mocked for them for so long!
Thanks for your support.™
October 6, 2007