jmcgoo has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 1 comment, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for jmcgoo
Thanks for the feedback! We're having trouble with the buttons (signup, logout) showing up in IE8 ... we're working to fix it. To log out, use this url:
Your sign-up/login screen needs re thinking. I fill in the username and password but then there's nothing to click, no "go", "login", nothing. There's a green bar that shows up for 1/4 second but not long enough to read. I am in limbo. Feedback won't work because I'm not registered; a catch 22. Just happened across your e-mail requesting a confirmation. Now that I'm on, there's no sign out!? Yikes!
Comments by jmcgoo
JMcGoo commented on the user JMcGoo
Your sign-up/login screen needs re thinking. I fill in the username and password but then there's nothing to click, no "go", "login", nothing. There's a green bar that shows up for 1/4 second but not long enough to read. I am in limbo. Feedback won't work because I'm not registered; a catch 22. Just happened across your e-mail requesting a confirmation. Now that I'm on, there's no sign out!? Yikes!
January 5, 2012